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MedInformatix-eksperter Teamet på eInformatics er Medinformatix EHR og RIS-eksperter Fra arbeidsflyt til rapportering, fra Betydende bruk til optisk butikkadministrasjon, fra automatisert behandling til komplisert HL7-interfacing, er eInformatics det beste alternativet for medisinsk praksis og bildesentre landsomfattende. Du kan stole på eInformatics å trekke på mange år med Medinformatix implementering, tilpasning og støtteopplevelse for å maksimere investeringen i produktet. Opphavsrett 2017 eInformatics middot089) På hvilken måte beregner du en prosentvis endring startribune587story367953.html Å gjøre et politisk pluss av mattefeil, Star Tribune, 12. april 06 DFLer Rebecca Otto anklager Revisor Pat Anderson, en republikan, av slurvet arbeid. I en kolonne som rapporterer prosentvise endringer i ubeholdne fondsbeviser fra 2003 til 2004, i stedet for å dividere differansen med 2003-tallet, delte revisorskontoret det i 2004-tallet. Varsel revisor Tony Sutton sa Forskeren som jobbet på rapporten, gjorde bare en feil i formelen i regnearket. Han føler seg dårlig om det. Risiko: Å gi politiske motstandere mulighet til å kommentere negativt på statsrevisor. Unngå: Sjekk ikke bare dataene, men også formlene. Advarsel: Registrer deg nå for EuSpRIG 2012 Konferanse channelregister. co. uk20060310ogcspreadsheetsnafu The Register (UK) OGC regnearket gale 10 Mar 06 Office of Government Commerce skyller på en regnearkfeil for en foul-up over akkrediterende leverandører for sitt nye katalistiske innkjøpsprogram. I et brev til leverandører bekjente de Dessverre er vi ikke, som vi hadde håpet, i stand til å akseptere budet ditt på dette tidspunktet. Dette skyldes at det har blitt identifisert en feil i det opprinnelige evalueringsregnearket, og det er nødvendig å tilbakestille alle anbud for dette prosjektet. Denne feilen har nå blitt korrigert, og dette har forårsaket et lite antall endringer i den opprinnelige prisen. Risiko: unøyaktig valg av leverandører for store offentlige kontrakter, juridiske utfordringer, dårlig press Unngåelse: Uavhengig gjennomgang av scoring formler mot spesifikasjon. Råd: Registrer nå for EuSpRIG 2012-konferansen columbiatribune2006Feb20060222News009.asp HUD påstår overbetaling for seksjon 8 Columbia Tribune 22. februar 2006. En regjeringsrevisjon sier at Columbia Housing Authority må betale 216 352 for å dekke utgifter som oppstår når myndigheten gav noen § 8 leietakere for mye rom og noen utleiere for mye leie. De innrømmet til 118 387, mengden som skyldtes en regneark dataregistrering feil som overbetalt utleiere. 086) Konfidensielle økonomiske data kommer ut i Sun news. yahooscpress20060210capronbusunlifefinancial3 TORONTO (CP) - Sun Life Financial Inc. (TSX: SLF-nyheter) fjerde kvartal fortjeneste økte mer enn ni prosent til 478 millioner, en dag tidlig enn planlagt Etter menneskelig feil forlot selskapet sårbar for mulig lekkasje. Problemet ble sentrert rundt selskapets kvartalsstatistikk, som regelmessig leveres til analytikerkommunen i forkant av inntjeningen - men med de siste kvartalsresultatene utelukket. Dermed blir regnearket omgjort til en dokumentfil. Den sensurerte informasjonen kan imidlertid gjenopprettes ved hjelp av Acrobat-programvare, forklart talsmann Tom Reid. 085) Stikker med regneark til tross for advarsler redorbitnewstechnology370065iebusagencymovingforwardindex. htmlsourcertechnology 26. januar 2006 En revisjonsrapport av San Bernardino Valley-bussforetaket Omnitrans fant langsiktige svakheter i enkelte områder, inkludert mangel på interne kontroller ved innkjøp som øker risikoen for potensielt svindel og misbruk . Den finansielle programvaren som koster byrået mer enn 200.000, forblir ubrukt, og vedlikeholdskontrakter for programvaren som ikke kan kanselleres, forblir i kraft. Byrået, som har et driftsbudsjett på 63 millioner, gjør for tiden mesteparten av sin bokføring på Microsoft Excel. En amerikansk senator kommenterte dårlig ansattes moral og utbredt misnøye med generell ledelse 084) Naturligvis nedbrytbart regneark ut av 5M nevadadailymail story1135458.html Budsjettforskjeller som tilskrives datafeil 6. januar 2006 Nevada-bys budsjett regneark virket til syvende og sist fungert til en gang i slutten av desember 2005 da , sier økonomidirektør Ron Chandler, det utviklet et problem, noe som førte til at budsjettet for 2006 viste et underskudd på 5 millioner i vann - og avløpsfondet. Chandler sa at det tok ham mesteparten av dagen onsdag å fikse problemet. Mens han jobbet med det, fant han andre feil i regnearket som måtte korrigeres. Når det er en PDF, kan den ikke skifte, sa Chandler. Risiko: forsinkelse i bybudsjetteringsprosessen, forlegenhet Unngåelse. endre sporing, sammenligning, validering, publisering av en PDF-versjon av trykt versjon på nettet Råd: Registrer nå for EuSpRIG 2012-konferansen 083) Masse forlegenhet for denne typen venicegondolierNewsArchive3010106tp3vn4.htm Pris mixup mars åpning av mye salg Venezia, Florida, 1. januar, 2006 En snafu i innlegget til nettsiden av minimumsbudspriser for den første fasen av North Ports forlatte mye auksjon førte til forvirring som kostnaden for noen mye tilsynelatende tredoblet over natten. Talsmannen som ble ansatt av fylket, satte auksjonsnummeret, eiendoms-ID-nummeret og minimumsbudbeløpet på et regneark i sekvensiell rekkefølge og utilsiktet sorterte han ikke verdikolonnen. Risiko: tap av deltakelse av borgere i budprosessen, opprør og dårlig publisitet Unngåelse. trening i regnearkdrift og kontroll mot kildedata før publisering offentlig. Råd: Registrer nå for EuSpRIG 2012-konferansen 082) Trodde han hadde ferdigheter til å lage data theage. auarticles200511091131407702080.html Dud regneark truer sak Av Leonie Wood 10. november 2005 En MULTIMILLION-DOLLAR Prisen på bensinprisfastsetting som ledes av den australske konkurranse - og forbrukerkommisjonen i forbundsretten, har blitt alvorlig truet av innrømmelser fra at en av undersøkerne utarbeidet noe av bevisene. ACCC er avhengig av et stort regneark som viser bensinpriser og tider med prisendringer for å bekrefte muntlige bevis fra vitner, inkludert noen av bensinstasjonens operatører, at Geelong-brenselforhandlerne jobbet sammen for å presse prisene i 1999 og 2000. ACCCs hovedforsker Jane Edwards innrømmet at en av undersøkelsene hadde risiko for å få fingre på en av mine medarbeider, og kuttet og limte dataene i regnearket. Edwards på det tidspunktet fortalte retten at etterforskeren var veldig begeistret og han trodde han hadde ferdigheter som vi var klar over som kunne være til nytte, slik at han drev problemet at ACCC manglet informasjon om prisbevegelser på enkelte datoer ved å duplisere data fra andre datoer. 081) Manglende datakvalitetskontroll gir et negativt øyeblikksbilde marketwatchnewsstory. aspguid7B276FD56F2D00CA2D42AE2DAD702DC66DF571FC777D Kodak omstiller, legger til 9 millioner til tap Av Jim Jelter, MarketWatch 9. november 2005 SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) - Den voldelige 11 millioner avgangsfeilen ble sporet til et feil regneark . Kodaks talsmann Gerard Meuchner sa at det var for mange nuller lagt til de ansatte påløpte avgangsvederlaget. Men det var en periodisering. Det var aldri en betaling, sa han. Robert Brust, økonomidirektør i Kodaks, kalte det en internkontrollmangel som utgjør en materiell svakhet som påvirket regnskapet for omstruktureringer. 080) Svart-på-svart celle tekstformat forsøk på å skjule data smh. aunewsbusinesswestpac-jumps-the-gun-on-profit200511021130823280336.html Westpac ble tvunget til å stoppe handel på sine aksjer og levere sin årlige fortjeneste briefing en dag tidlig etter det ved et uhell sendte sine resultater via e-post til forskningsanalytikere. Detaljer om rekordresultatresultatet på 2.818 milliarder for de 12 månedene til 30. september ble innlemmet i en mal av resultatene fra fjorårene og ble tilgjengelig med mindre manipulering av regnearket. (Noen rapporter indikerte at en ansatt hadde trodd at en svartcellebakgrunnsfylling ville gjemme svart tekst.) Herr Chronican sa det er ikke bare en feil, det er en sammensetning av to eller tre feil. Vi skal åpenbart gjennomføre en fullstendig forespørsel for å sikre at det ikke skjer igjen. 079) Hvor lett det er å endre et regneark, hvor vanskelig å gjøre versjonskontroll. namibian. na2005Octobernational05E0F49179.html Agricultural Bank of Namibia (Agribank) er teetering på kanten av konkurs. Det er ikke noe kontrollsystem som revisorene kan stole på, eller det var tilfredsstillende revisjonshandlinger som kunne utføres for å oppnå rimelig sikkerhet for at bestemmelsen for tvilsom gjeld er tilstrekkelig og gyldig, noter revisorene. Revisorene fant at lånet sitt til det nådebårne Uri Khubis-slakteriet endret seg fra N59,5 millioner på ett regneark til N50,4 millioner på en annen, mens de totale restskattene ble redusert fra et stort N9,8 millioner til bare N710 000. 078) Eksamenpoengene ble rammet av mis-sortering nbc13news4951284detail. htmlrssbiramppspnews Aspirerende politibetjente sier eksamenspoeng ble botched (NBC13 8. september 2005) Noen håper politimenn som tok en regjeringseksamen, sa at de ble fortalt at de bestod en stor test, men fant ut senere at de hadde faktisk mislyktes. Et nasjonalt selskap, som heter AON, administrerte testen og fortalte styret at noen feilaktig sorterte resultatene på et regneark, så navnene og resultatene var feilaktige, rapporterte NBC 13s Kathy Times. Da de appellerte, dro vi tilbake til AON og ba dem om å sjekke sine poeng, og da de revidert, oppdaget de at de gjorde en feil, sa Bruce Nichols, fra Jefferson County Personnel Board. Nichols har sagt opp. 077) Referanse og koblingsfeil efile. mpsc. cis. state. mi. usefiledocs135310349.pdf Rebutttal Vitnesbyrd om David J. Barch SBC Michigan sak nr. 13531.. en mindre referansefeil for regneark. korrigeringen av disse er estimert til omtrent å doble den engangsproduksjonen TELRIC for disse UNEene. En annen endring som SBCM anser hensiktsmessig, er å korrigere et par veldig enkle og enkle regnearklenkfeil (dvs. kobling til feil regnearkcelle, som var tom) for ikke-tilbakevendende ULS-stammeport og DS1-stammeuttakkoblinger. Dette anslås å øke TELRIC over 30 prosent for disse to UNE. 076) Revisors rapport. en sjekkliste for test - og vedlikeholdsstandarder fdicig. govreports0101-025.pdf Kontor for inspektørgeneral (OIG) 13. desember 2001 Revisjonsrapport nr. 01-025 Revisjon av den laveste kostnadstestmodellen for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Vi konkluderte med at modellen vanligvis fungerer som beregnet. Derimot. Kontroller tilgang, programvareutvikling og endringer var svake. ingen registrering av at programvaren ble testet. Ikke utviklet et system for å be om, lage, teste og godkjenne endringer. liten sikkerhet over makroene og formlene (Referanse: OMB Circular A-130, Vedlegg III) funnet kompatibilitetsproblemer FDIC har ikke lenger DRS-ansatte som er ansvarlige for utformingen av regnearket, og ingen har dokumentasjon om hvordan regnearket ble opprettet i tilfelle endringer er nødvendig noen av formlene i malen hadde blitt overskrevet 075) Revisors rapport. en sjekkliste over dokumentasjon og endringsstandarder anao. gov. auWebSite. nsf01EA061E6A929D67ECA256FBF00783027OpenDocument Revisor-General Audit Report No.38 2004-05 Performance Audit, Goods and Services Tax (GST). For å beregne GMA og BBA bruker Treasury et Microsoft Excel-regneark med 32 koblede regneark. Regnearket ble utviklet internt med begrensede ressurser og uten tilstrekkelig hensyntagen til alternativer. Den resulterende tilnærmingen viste ikke, i ANAOs oppfatning, tilstrekkelig å håndtere noen viktige risikoer. vanskelig å navigere med det formål å verifisere at det utfører beregninger riktig. Utviklet internt med begrensede ressurser og uten tilstrekkelig hensyntagen til alternativer. ANAO kunne ikke finne noen systemdokumentasjon. Ingen av dagens ansatte i enheten var der da regnearket ble konstruert. Gjentatt manuell oppføring av de samme dataene øker risikoen for feil. Mangler i å administrere poster som støtter dataene. et uakseptabelt risikonivå for at ansatte som er ansvarlige for å oppdatere regnearket, utilsiktet får tilgang til en tidligere versjon av regnearket. 074) Tusenvis av millioner pounds skadelig effekt telegraph. co. ukmoneymain. jhtmlxmlmoney20050630ccspread30.xmlampmenuId242ampsSheetmoney20050630ixcoms. html Bare et spørsmål om tid før regnearkene slo viften - Telegraph (Storbritannia), 30. juni 2005 I hans papir Betydningen og kritikken av regneark I London City presentert til Eusprig 2005 rapporterte Grenville Croll of Frontline Systems (UK) Ltd om en undersøkelse av 23 fagfolk i 13Bn-sektoren for finansielle tjenester. Intervjuerne sa at regneark var gjennomgripende, og mange var viktige og kritiske. Det er nesten ingen kvalitetssikring av regnearkprogramvare, og folk som lager eller endrer regneark, er nesten helt selvlærte. To rapporterte en nylig forekomst hvor materialet regnearkfeil hadde ført til uønskede effekter som involverte mange titalls millioner pounds. 073) To ansatte mer eller mindre monroeohio. orgpdf0520Budget20Report. pdf City of Monroe 2005 budsjett dokument Lønn og ytelser har økt dramatisk fra 2004-tallene av to grunner. Først har vi feilberegnet mengden lønn og fordeler som trengs. Dette skjedde på grunn av en feilberegning i en regnearkformel, som utelukker to vannavdelingsansatte fra beregningen. Dailypressnewslocalvirginiadp-naturalgaslawsuit0617jun17,0,2841429.storycolldp-headlines-virginia Naturgassforbrukerne saksøke Dominion Overføring over kontorfeil, 17. juni 2005 En undersøkelse fra Federal Energy Regulatory Commission viste at datterselskapet Richmond, Va.-baserte Dominion Resources Inc., sendte feil uker gasslagertall i november, noe som fører til en kunstig inflasjon av naturgasspriser. Søksmålet estimerer at forbruksprisene ble hiked med mellom 200 millioner og 1 milliard. Undersøkelsen konkluderte med at det ikke var bevisst, men når jeg hører ordene klare feil, tenker jeg på uaktsomhet, saksøker advokat W. Coleman Allen Jr. i Richmond, Va. Sa fredag. Forbrukerne ble skadet det samme som om det var forsettlig. En forklaring på feilen var at selskapet hadde brukt det samme datafilenavnet for hver ukes lagringsbalanse regnearkrapport, noe som gjør det enkelt for feilen som skal sendes. 071) Regnskapsfirmaet gjør AUD30M regnearkfeil abc. aunewsnewsitems200506s1394937.htm Regnskapsførere gjør AUD30M feil, 17. juni 2005 På tvelden til valgene i det nordlige territoriet, har Landets liberale parti blitt tvunget til å innrømme at de økonomiske kostnadene var ute av titalls millioner dollar. CLP hadde sine kostnader vurdert av regnskapsfirmaet BDO. CLP-leder Denis Burke sier at selskapet har laget en regnearkfeil, og Treasury har funnet mer penger i beredskapsmidler fra budsjettet. 070) Kutt en prosent, lim inn en unnskyldning roanokebusiness23037.html Go figure: Think-and-do-tanken flubber matematikken 05.05.2005 Senteret for regionale strategier bekreftet nylig at en forsker errant cut-and-paste fra et regneark forårsaket en måling av regionens utdanningsnivå viser seg mye verre enn det er. Senter for regionale strategier, en selvbeskyttet tenkemodell som ligger hos Virginia Tech, rapporterte at en dum 11 prosent av regionens befolkning eldre enn 25 hadde bachelorgrader eller høyere. Det tallet skulle ha vært 20 prosent. Stuart Mease, en talsmann for senter for regionale strategier, sa at det var bare en enkel kutt-og-lim feil, sa han. Jeg vet ikke hvordan det skjedde, men det gjorde det. Vi beklager vår feil og ønsker å rette opp det. 069) Mis-registrering av et nummer er en materiell svakhet, mister konsernsjefens stilling biz. yahooap050329redenvelopeguidance. html. v3 29. mars 2005 RedEnvelope kutter Outlook, Aksjer Fall, CFO Eric Wong fraregjer budsjettfeil NEW YORK (AP) - Andeler av RedEnvelope Inc. tumblet mer enn 25 prosent tirsdag etter at nettbutikken av spesialitet gaver drastisk redusert sitt fjerde kvartal utsikter og sa sin sjef finansdirektør vil trekke seg i april. Stanford Group analytiker Rebecca Jones Kujawa sa i et intervju. . de undervurderte kostnaden for solgte varer. Det er sannsynlig at CFO Eric Wong blir presset ut på grunn av denne feilen, noe som kan vise en vesentlig svakhet i kontrollene over finansiell rapportering, et problem som vanligvis fører til en lang gjennomgang av regnskapsmessig praksis. RedEnvelope-talskvinne Jordan Goldstein sa at budsjetteringsfeilen ganske enkelt skyldtes et antall feilmeldt i en celle i et regneark som deretter kastet bort kostnadsprognosen og ikke var relatert til CFO-endringen. 068) Levende fordi forskeren ikke sjekket innganger mot datakilder nzherald. co. nzindex. cfmcid1ampObjectID10008219 Brash levde over statistikkblanding i tale 27. januar 2005 Nasjonal leder Don Brash brukte et vilt oppblåst nummer da han fortalte Ratana-samlingen mandag at nesten halvparten av alle maori-barn var avhengige av en fordel. Figuren - som sterkt fremhevet i nyhetsberetninger om den høyprofilerte Maori-samlingen - var resultatet av en beregningsfeil av parlamentarisk bibliotek. Estimatet burde ha vært 30 prosent, sa parlamentarikeren David Williams, som eide opp til Herald om å gjøre feilen. Han har beklaget dr. Brash. Mr Williams trodde at feilen oppstod da han overførte arbeidsdata fra et Excel-regneark. 067) Tall som er oppgitt som tekst, mister skolen 30.000 (US50K) fra budsjettet accountingweb. co. ukcgi-binitem. cgiid40301 Excel-regneark i budsjettering Accountingweb 5-Mar-2001 Skolguvernør Peter Wolstenholme forklarte hvordan hans skole møtte en 30 000 mangel fordi verdier i et budsjett regnearket var ikke lagt til riktig. Med hjelp fra flere av AccountingWEBs Excel-guruer klarte han å identifisere det underliggende problemet på grunn av at budsjettfigurer ble oppgitt som rettjusterte tekstverdier i stedet for som tall. Tekststallene ble ikke inkludert i Sumberberegningen og krøllet gjennom til skolens budsjettinnsending. Wolstenholme anerkjente at han ofte får tekstverdier som kommer opp i Excel-regneark når han trekker ut data fra sitt regnskapssystem ved hjelp av ODBC-mekanismen. Risiko: Budsjettmangel Unngåelse: Som AccountingWEB-medlem Paul Mitchell påpekte, kanskje myndigheten bør se på IT-opplæringspraksis Wolstenholme la til, Den mest åpenbare mangelen jeg kunne se var mangelen på krysskontroll. Råd: Registrer nå for EuSpRIG 2012-konferansen 066) Theres dårlige nyheter og gode nyheter, hovedsakelig dårlige: US1.8M biz. yahooprnews050208cltu1081.html CECO Environmental to Restate 2000 - 2003 årsregnskap 8. februar 2005 CECOs interne regnskapsansatte har oppdaget en regnskapsmessig feil i regnearkberegningene som brukes av Companys konstruksjon divisjon for sin prosentandel av ferdigstillelse regnskap. Nettoeffekten vil bli en kumulativ reduksjon i omsetningen på 1 969 000 over fireårsperioden 2000 til 2003 med et tilsvarende beløp til netto resultat før skatt. Feilen har en gunstig effekt i inneværende år 2004, det vil legge til ca 180 000 til CECOs 2004-inntekt før skatt for de ni måneder som ble avsluttet 30. september 2004. Phillip DeZwirek, styreformann og administrerende direktør i CECO uttalte at vår interne regnskap Personalet oppdaget denne feilberegningen og rapporterte det umiddelbart til våre uavhengige revisorer. Etter hvert som vår virksomhet utvides, er det viktig å vite at vår Sarbanes-Oxley compliance forberedelse fungerer. 065) Feil skjer under budsjettplanleggingen: US70M theunionleaderarticlesshowfast. htmlarticle50185 New Hampshire Sunday News 29 jan 2005 John Lynchs budsjettteam. må finne en annen 70 millioner for å gjøre budsjettbalansen sin. Tall som Health and Human Services Department ga til budsjettforfattere i høst, inneholdt en feil som doblet mer enn 17 millioner av Medicaid-penger i hvert av de neste to årene. Et detaljert regneark som HHS ga Veier og midler tirsdag morgen viste at 35 millioner i en bestemt kategori av sykehusrefusjonen ville komme inn i løpet av de neste to årene. Et annet ark HHS produsert tirsdag ettermiddag viste ingen penger i kategorien, noe som gjenspeiler at fondene kun kan brukes én vei - på statssykehuset. 064) NASA misstatt av 644M: uoppdagede regnearkfeil i ad hoc-prosess gao. govatextd04754t. txt Regjeringsregnskapskontorrapport 30.03.2001 spacerefnewsviewsr. htmlpid5014 Vitnesbyrd om Gregory D. Kutz, GAO GAO-rapportnummer GAO-04-754T med tittelen National Aeronautics and Rymdadministrasjon: Vesentlige tiltak Nødvendig å ta kontakt med Lange økonomiske styringsproblemer NASAs regnskapsår 1999 SBR ble misforstått av en rapportert 644 millioner på grunn av dels en feilfortolkning av veiledning og feil i NASAs ad hoc-prosess for å generere budsjettinformasjon. Som et resultat, brukte NASA-stedene ulike metoder for å trekke ut dataene for denne linjeposten fra sine separate systemer og angitt dataene på regneark, som deretter ble kompilert av NASAs hovedkvarter. NASA-tjenestemenn har indikert at uoppdagede feil i denne regnearkprosessen - i tillegg til inkluderingen av feil kategori av transaksjoner - var også ansvarlig for en del av SBR-feilinformasjonen. Ifølge NASA-tjenestemenn har de styrket internkontrollen over denne prosessen for regnskapsåret 2000. Arthur Andersen oppdaget ikke feilen i NASAs SBR under revisjonen av regnskapsåret 1999. Bevis i Arthur Andersens arbeidsdokumenter om forståelse og testing av interne kontroller og validering av underliggende data for nøkkeltall i finansregnskapet var ikke tilstrekkelig til å støtte Arthur Andersens ukvalifiserte revisjonsuttalelse om SBR og finansieringsoversikt for regnskapsåret 1999. De andre feilene på ca. 32 Millioner knyttet til feil i regnearkdataene kan ha påvirket PampF-planene. 063) Matlaging av bøkene med et regneark: Om US 20M theindependent. co. zwnews2004DecemberFriday171307.html Svindelstenger CFX 17.12.2004 (Zimbabwe) 115 milliarder tap skjult Interne undersøkelser indikerer at bankkontoer ble datastyrt av en nøkkelansvarlig regnskapsfører. CFX, ved hjelp av Equation banksystemet, ble offer for de smarte lederne som tabulerte et overskudd før skatt på nesten 873 millioner i oktober, men programvaren registrerer nesten 20 milliarder tap. Internrevisjonen retter seg spesielt mot informasjon og teknologiavdelingen for å hjelpe den kreative regnskapskandalen. Jeg føler sterkt at justeringene som er nevnt ovenfor, er gjort på et Excel-regneark, og de justeres bakover fra administrasjonskontiene tilbake til likningssystemet, det vil si at ledelseskontoer som viser ønskede resultater, blir utarbeidet først, og deretter blir justeringer for å knytte seg til ligning gjort, rapporten sier. (Merknad om valutaverdier: xeuccfull. shtml rapporterer at 1 USD 5,652,00 ZWD) 062) Regnearkberegningsfeil: 100 000 overoptimistiske inntekter 2583940,00.html SHIRLEY 1. desember 2004 - 100.000 inntektsmessig mangel På møtet mandag 29. november ble skolekomiteen godkjente sitt nåværende år 7,3 millioner budsjett etter læring av en beregningsfeil i skolebudsjettet som overvurderte skoleinntektstallene med 100.000. Bedriftsansvarlig Patty Stern sa tilleggsavgift fra tilskuddskilder og 167.000 godkjente for skolen på det spesielle bymøtet dekker feilen. Under budsjett gjennomgangsprosessen, sa Stern en beregningsfeil ble funnet på regnearket som doblet inntektstallene med 100.000. 061) Revisor sier regneark kontroller ikke tilstrekkelig business. bostonheraldbusinessNewsview. bgarticleid55580 Boston Herald 25. november 2004. Tweeter Entertainment Group Inc. rapporterte et større fjerde kvartal netto tap i går, 12,5 millioner sammenlignet med 10,2 millioner for et år siden, og en nedgang på 3,5 prosent i salg på butikkene åpne i mer enn et år. For å gjøre saker verre, annonserte Tweeter at dets revisor, Deloitte amp Touche LLP, sa at regnearkkontrollene ikke var tilstrekkelig i fjerde kvartal. En talskvinne nektet å si hvor mye i registrerte justeringer selskapet gjorde. Tweeter sa feilene ikke påvirket tidligere perioder. 060) 15. november 2004: På den dagen Sarbanes-Oxley-loven trer i kraft i USA biz. yahooprnews041115dam0331.html CARRIZO Oil amp Gas, Inc. korrigerer fortynnede delberegninger, 15. november 2004. Selskapet oppdaget nylig en feil i et regneark som sporer gjennomsnittlig antall warrants og utestående opsjoner. Denne feilen påvirket Carrizos økonomiske resultater. Korrigert antall aksjer for seks måneder i 2004 var 20,8 millioner i stedet for 18,9 millioner som tidligere rapportert. Den faktiske utvannet nettoinntekt per aksje var 0,19 i stedet for 0,21. Vi kan forvente mer av dette i fremtiden på grunn av SarboxSOX krav som ledelsen rapporterer om sin vurdering av interne kontroller over finansiell rapportering i den årlige arkivering. Som konsernsjef er rapportert som sagt, ser jeg ikke bra ut i oransje. 059) Gjensidig feil Tøff flaks. lawzone. thelawyercgi-binitem. cgiid111862ampd205amph207ampf259 Når er en feil ikke en feil. 1. november 2004 I en låneforklaring forsøkte et regneark utarbeidet av en søker å beregne den totale rentesatsen under lånet. En feil ble ikke oppdaget under forhandlingene, og partene enige om en oppgjørsfaktor på 55.000 på gjensidig feilaktig antagelse at dette tilsvarer en rente på rundt 45. I sannhet er 55.000 likestilt med en rentesats på ca. 33. Retten holdt feilen, var ikke partenes feil, og i tillegg var det ingen garanti for regnearket. De var kommersielle partier og hadde avtalt en fast sum. De var begge (gjensidig) feil og det var ingen urettferdighet. 058) I en studentorganisasjon skjer feil i noen tilfeller. Lsureveillevnewsdisplay. vART20041027417f3c7c41064 News Sororitys score unøyaktig LSU Daily Reveille Tue, 26 okt 2004 En feilberegning i et dataark regneark koster nesten Chi Omega-sororitet førsteplass i Homecoming-konkurransen. Feilen oppstod da regnearksformelen som ble brukt til å beregne resultatene fra Homecoming Week-hendelsene, forlot to score ut av tabellen. De forstod i en studentorganisasjon, feil skjer noen ganger. Gjennom hele uken fikk Gilbert og Homecoming-koordinatorer resultatene av hver hendelse og holdt alle relaterte papirarbeid i tilfelle en poengsum ble satt i tvil. 057) Tabuleringsfeil - det er alltid en første gang ReutersNewsArticle. jhtmltypebusinessNewsampstoryID6480933 Forretningsråd: Økonomisk undersøkelse Feil, ti 12. oktober 2004 NY YORK (Reuters) - Forretningsrådet, en gruppe på 125 amerikanske konsernsjefer, sa i forrige uke 70 prosent av sine medlemmer forventes flatt til 2 prosent vekst i den amerikanske økonomien neste år - maler et mye mer bearish utsikt enn store økonomer. Men tirsdag sa gruppen at den hadde fått undersøkelsen feil, og medlemmene hadde faktisk forventet moderat til solid økonomisk vekst i 2005, fra 2,1 prosent til 4,5 prosent, og var bevoktet optimistisk om økonomiens prospekter. Det var en beregningsfeil. Regnearket skiftet, slik at feil numre dukket opp i feil kolonner, sa Cassidy. Det var bare en kolonne på regnearket. Han sa feilen, som ble fanget fredag ​​ettermiddag, har aldri skjedd før i undersøkelseshistorien. 056) Legge til epler og appelsiner hansard. act. gov. auhansard1998pdfs19981124.pdf ACT Hansard, 24. november 1998 Kontoret mitt utarbeidet et bord med dobbeltelte utbytte gitt og projisert. Det var det mest åpenbare og grunnleggende av feil i et enkelt regneark. Jeg ønsker å registrere min anger om saken, særlig siden den har mer enn å fortryde en effektiv greskroppkampanje. Jeg har en veldig irritert medarbeider som ellers har utført eksemplarisk arbeid. En annen høyttaler Det som viser seg, er absolutt ingen finansiell troverdighet, ingen kapasitet, selv om det er så åpenbart, å finne ut hva problemet var. Men enda verre, han la kontantutbytte ut av kontantstrømoppstillingen til fortjeneste fra driftsoversikten. Det er som å legge til epler og appelsiner. 055) Houston, vi har et 25.652 problem Kilde: ci. houston. tx. uscitygovtcontrolleraudit00-09.pdf Houston City-wide direkte kostnadskontroll 20. desember 1999 Finans og administrasjon (FampA) ble belastet 25.652 til leie i finansregnskapet 1999 på grunn av en feil i en regnearkformel. 054) 400 000 vann under broen Kilde: city. west-lafayette. in. us governmentminutescc050602.htm 6 mai 2002 Problemet for noen år siden var Purdue oppdaget en feil i et regneark som ble brukt til å beregne vannregningen og at regnearket hadde vært brukt i flere år. Så vi gikk tilbake og omregnet regningene og brakte det til byens oppmerksomhet og betalte så raskt beløpet. Jeg tror at beløpet er litt over 400 000, var justeringen gjort på den tiden. 053) Understøtter fordelene ved adskillelse med 50M Kilde: wwwcom. govt. nztelecommunicationslluConftclreviewcba. PDF 13.11.2003 En gjennomgang av Telecoms kritikk av OXERA kostnadsfordelingsanalyse av adskillelse av lokalsamfunnene: En regnearkfeil øker nettovinst Stem-priser er også satt høyt på grunn av en regnearkfeil. Korrigering gir 26M til overskudd på 180M. Feil regnearkreferanser betyr at nettovinsten til alternativ 1 er undervurdert av 50M Kilde: sao. state. ut. usreports03-37.pdf 30.2.2003 Utah State Auditor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FINNING OG REKOMMENDASJON 1 INDIREKTE OMKOSTNADS BEREGNET BEREGNET (Rapporterbar Tilstand) Vi oppdaget følgende feil mens du testet regnskapsåret 2003 indirekte kostpris for Divisjonen for Wildlife Resources: a. Det indirekte kostnads ​​elektroniske regnearket for Habitat Management direkte lønn og fordeler, med tittelen Short Form Method, hadde en celle som var knyttet til et feil regneark. Dette resulterte i en overstatement av direkte kostnadsbasen med over 2 millioner. 051) Se på din skriving. Bokstavelig. Kilde: catless. ncl. ac. ukRisks21.94.html Enda et annet tilfelle av et program som endrer innspillet ditt Risks Digest 10 Mar 2002 Jeg gikk inn i karakterer i et Excel regneark og skjønte at selv om jeg i notatene hadde en blanding av As og As , regnearket hadde endret alle A-karakterene til As. Hvorfor jeg gikk inn i karakterer som ser på notatene mine og ikke på skjermen. Så jeg skrev A - etterfulgt av ENTER, deretter A hvor eksempeldata foreslo A - som en mulig inngang. Uten å se jeg trykket ENTER, og dermed inn A - istedenfor A. Dette virker bare hvis den lengre innspillingen går foran den kortere i den opprinnelige listen (dvs. listen du skriver fra), siden hvis det er tvetydighet om forslaget, slår Excel av . 050) The silent loss of 19,130 Source: catless. ncl. ac. ukRisks20.30.htmlsubj10 Risks Digest 16 April 1999 From: Ben Bederson Subject: Space character in number causes silent Excel miscalculation Error of US19,130 I had specifically right-justified the column in question earlier. The issue here is that the 19, 130 was interpreted by Excel as text rather than as a number. Since Excel doesnt generate warnings when adding text, but rather interprets it as 0, I had no notification of the problem. 049) Violation of regulatory reporting by 105,000 Source: fcc. govBureausCommonCarrierOrders1995fcc95075.txt March 3, 1995 NYNEX Telephone Operating Companies, FCC 95-75 Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 34. Apparent Violation No. 15: The independent auditor found that NET overstated its CL revenues for January through November 1988. NET stated that an erroneous spreadsheet caused this overstatement. The independent auditor stated that this error understated NETs CL and total interstate revenue requirements for those months by 105,000. Source: bcen. bc. cabcerartVol10acleaner. htm A Cleaner Future for BCs Polluting Pulp Mills by Peter Ronald, campaign coordinator, Georgia Strait Alliance 2001 in November it was revealed that this mill (formerly owned by MacMillan Bloedel) has been under-reporting its Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) emissions by 32-times for the past 14 years This miscalculation was embedded in a spreadsheet formula uncovered during an internal audit. Please accept my sincere apologies for the percentage error in Table 2 you correctly identified in your letter. The figure should be 5 per cent and not 13 per cent (a mistake in the spreadsheet used in calculations). The previous version of Table 2 did have a number rounding-up anomalies, and miscalculation in providing percentage figures. These were the result of problems in the spreadsheet and, in the case of the 1998-99 London Exclusion Total a simple typographical error. We at OMB and, as Administrator Alvarez will testify, SBA believe that it is an extremely serious matter and are taking steps to correct it. I accept the findings of SBAs Inspector General that both SBA and OMB share responsibility for the problem. The error in the calculation of the FY 1997 7(a) loan subsidy estimate discovered by GAO was an incorrect reference formula in one cell of a summary spreadsheet. 045) Carelessness can cost jobs Source: thepolypoststory. phpstory648 The Poly Post August 18th, 2004 Miscalculation Found in Budget As recently as two weeks ago, Childrens Center staff were concerned that the facility would close as early as next quarter. Hoffman said a spreadsheet error and an overestimation in staff salary brought the budget down by 50 percent. 044) USAID Audit shows agencies needing aid for controls Source: usaid. govoigpublicfy03rpts7-685-03-003-p. pdf Audit of USAIDSenegals Casamance Conflict Resolution Program 7-685-03-003-P May 30, 2003 Enterprise Works provided self-created spreadsheets to support the results reported to the Mission for two selected indicators. However, they could not provide any original documentation to support the figures in the spreadsheets. CRS could not provide support for the data reported in their spreadsheet for the first selected indicator, number of jobs created. Furthermore, the spreadsheet was mathematically incorrect. even though the Mission has in place procedures for periodically checking data, these procedures were not fully implemented a lack of periodic checks of the data also contributed to the problem. 043) Legislative Auditor finds 58M optimism in DPS Source: lla. state. la. usperformdps02.pdf Department of Public Service January 2002 Audit Control 02500734 Two significant audit findings. We found numerous errors in the mathematical computations. In addition, the review controls are weak. The department reported a value of 184.5 million for the key performance indicator Direct savings to ratepayers. We determined that this value should have been 126.5 million therefore, the first quarter value reported was overstated by almost 58 million, or 45.8. This miscalculation was due to a spreadsheet formula error. The department computes many of its performance indicator values using manual calculations. This situation increases the chance of human error in performing the calculations. The department should increase its use of electronic spreadsheet andor database programs to perform calculations.() 042) Uncleared carryforward. 10,395 Source: mcallnewslocalall-b34basdaug10,0,2437486.storycollall-newslocal-hed Morning Call Aug 10, 2004 An audit found that the state gave the district 10,395 more than entitled because the number of pupils transported for the 2001-02 school year was overstated by 27 to the Department of Education. Stanley Majewski, Bethlehem Areas director of business affairs, said the overpayment was the result of a simple clerical error. Our transportation director didnt clear out the previous years private school riders from our spreadsheet. We didnt realize it until the auditors pointed it out to us. More: njnewsexpresstimespaindex. ssfbasenews-12109213236859950.xml 041) Clerical error. tens of thousands of dollars City officials miscalculated the amount of sales taxes generated at Stony Point Fashion Park during the first couple of months of operation. The mistake inadvertently inflated the figures by tens of thousands of dollars, which, in turn, meant the total sales estimate was overblown by millions of dollars. It was a clerical error. There was no intention to mislead anyone, said Andrew T. Rountree, the citys finance director. The city blamed the mistake primarily on an error in a spreadsheet formula, which amplified a subtotal amount. 040) 5M actuarial overstatement Source: ir. jameshardie. aurepositoriesfilesNEWS.2004.KPMGACTURIALREVIEW. pdf James Hardie Actuarial Expert Witness Report, KPMG Actuaries Pty Ltd 4 June 2004 Over the years 1996-2001, James Hardie Industries Ltd (James Hardie) received advice from Trowbridge Consulting, the actuarial subsidiary of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Trowbridge), in relation to the level of asbestos liabilities to which it was potentially exposed. There are some errors in the report and the valuation model. Most notably, the insurance recoveries have been over-discounted due to spreadsheet errors (this had been corrected by the 13 February 2001 valuation). This has resulted in a 5m overstatement in the liability Trowbridge have recommended relative to that which they ought to have recommended on their valuation basis. 039) Automatic conversion features of Excel munge data Source: biomedcentral1471-2105580 Mistaken Identifiers: Gene name errors can be introduced inadvertently when using Excel in bioinformatics. Barry R Zeeberg et al. BMC Bioinformatics, June 2004 When processing microarray data sets, they noticed that some gene names were being changed inadvertently to non-gene names. For example, the text SEPT2 was converted to a date. The problem was default date format conversions and floating-point format conversions in Excel. The date conversions affect at least 30 gene names the floating-point conversions affect at least 2,000 if Riken identifiers are included. These conversions are irreversible the original gene names cannot be recovered. Risk: Misinterpretation of genetic research results Avoidance: Awareness of Excel limitations, helpful automatic features, bugs, and workarounds Advice: Register Now for the EuSpRIG 2012 Conference 038) Environmental toxic waste miscalculation Source: envirogroupJE20Spreadsheet20Model20Error. pdf Technical Memorandum Superfund JE Model Spreadsheet Error By Eric Wannamaker, EnviroGroup Ltd July 2004 A bad VLOOKUP was discovered in one of the cells of the US EPA Superfund spreadsheet used to determine the dispersal of the toxic wastes through ground water. This is how the EPA determines which toxic waste sites to clean up first. The impact of the JE model error is highly case specific, depending on site characteristics, regulatory goals, and local geology. The quantitative impact of the error is a difference in indoor air concentration estimate ranging from 0 to 200. The cost of this misestimate would depend on how it is used in the overall site assessment process. Source: solutionmatrixnewsletter41.html CostBenefit Newsletter June 2004 We just lost our negotiating room - the pitfalls of Excel. I found at the last minute that some very long spreadsheet formulas had parentheses out of place. When I put them where they belonged, our projected gains fell from 200M to 25M. Gives two Excel formulas for estimating salary and overhead costs in Year 2 of a multi-year analysis period - see if you can spot the error. Source: newportnewstimesarticles20040528newsnews12.txt Newport News Times OR, USA May 28, 2004 LINCOM nears budget resolution She had intended to move only the proposed figure for the coming fiscal year. But when she made the change, the spreadsheet program moved the line for the lease, not just for the proposed 2004-05 year, but also the figures for the adopted 2003-04 figure, the actual 2002-03 year, and the two previous fiscal years actual expenditures for the lease. Further, the bottom line totals for Materials and Services in the columns for each of those fiscal years (for things like training, insurance, phones, and the lease) were visibly incorrect. 035) Profiting from mispricing . we take relatively big positions in companies that we believe are temporarily under or over-priced and where we expect that mis-pricing to be sorted out quickly. By way of example, in November last year we bought ScS Upholstery (a specialist sofa retailer) at 172p after it warned on profits. A spreadsheet error had caused the wrong cost to be input into the system, with the result that their gross margin had slipped without management knowing. We knew that this would quickly be rectified, and sure enough the share price bounced back rapidly. 034) Spreadsheet typo loses Toledo U. 2.4M University of Toledo loses 2.4M in projected revenue. While official UT projections call for a 10 percent decline in graduate student enrollment, an increase mistakenly was shown in a spreadsheet formula that led officials to overestimate enrollment and therefore revenue, Mr. Decatur said. Dr. Johnson said no job action will be taken against the employee who made the mistake, who has a good performance record. Officials will, however, pursue systemic changes to provide more safeguards in the future. We have very competent people, Dr. Johnson said. I do think that the continuing fiscal pressures on universities have forced us to a level of staff support where there is little or no redundance in the process. 033) Spreadsheet macros in the 1994 SA election: amateurish shambles Source: mg. co. zaContentl3.aspao34102 Globe and Mail, South Africa, 14 April 2004 Long before the results of 1994s election were finally announced, the results control centre (RCC) responsible for tabulating ballots had collapsed. The reason for its closing -- given by the transitional IECs chairperson, Judge Johann Kriegler -- was that a hacker had breached its counting centres security and tampered with the results. According to volunteers who worked as data entry clerks at the RCC, the chance of there ever having been a hacker is unlikely. The errors Kriegler blamed on a hacker appear to have been caused by bugs in spreadsheet macros and typos from moving data from fax to computer. Risk : widespread suspicion that the final election results werent calculated by counting the votes people cast after patiently queuing for hours in the sun, but by letting political parties do backroom horse-trading. Avoidance . Actually testing the system Advice: Register Now for the EuSpRIG 2012 Conference 032) Investigators made mistakes Source: newsdaynewsprinteditionlongislandny-likrol283726003mar28,0,5128077.storycollny-linews-print March 28, 2004 The town of Brookhaven paid 2,400-employee Kroll 2.2M to look for possible corruption in the Highway Department, But at the resulting trial, investigators have been caught red-faced by revelations that they went to an incorrect address and exaggerated financial figures because of typos. two numbers were transposed on a spreadsheet, and Kroll said Milvid overbilled by 18,000 for concrete work on Boyle Road in Port Jefferson Station when he had actually overbilled by less than 3,000. Risk : Maybe losing a court case Avoidance . As reported: Defense attorneys were incredulous that Kroll wouldnt double-check the largest item on its list of alleged overbillings Advice: Register Now for the EuSpRIG 2012 Conference 031) Many a slip between spreadsheet and pulp Source: gmtodaynewspoliticsstatetopstory141.asp March 17, 2004 Boxes of former Gov. Tommy Thompsons records meant for the Wisconsin Historical Society archives, were inadvertently put on the wrong truck and sent to a Green Bay paper mill, where they were turned into pulp. Administration Deputy Secretary Laura Engan said someone incorrectly manipulated a spreadsheet listing records that could be destroyed and records that should be retained. We basically identified a problem. There was a very significant human error. It wont happen again. Periode. Source: madisonwisconsinstatejournallocal75815.php (June 05,2004) No suspicious activity could be found, the DOA reported, adding they did find that the supervisor who botched the spreadsheet transfer had a record that consistently suggested a lack of proficiency with the software used to manage the database. Previously, The archivists would put a red sticker on the boxes to be destroyed, and a green sticker on the boxes to be saved. That backup visual system was discontinued last February, because there are fewer boxes saved these days and because it took a lot of staff time. Risk : Loss of irreplaceable historical records Avoidance . As reported, Laura Engan said Because of the incident, the agency plans to create a records report that requires no human manipulation Advice: Register Now for the EuSpRIG 2012 Conference 030) Spreadsheet slips on a banana Banana Growers furious with Australias quarantine watchdog over a draft report clearing the way for banana imports from the Philippines want it to hand over its computer models so they can check them. Mary Harwood, Executive Manager of Biosecurity Australia, said What it shows is that a simple human error was made in an electronic spreadsheet that was found in an easy way by a person looking at it. The Australian Government Department of Agriculture report says: Several stakeholders have requested a copy of the electronic spreadsheet that is used with risk modelling software called RISK in the banana IRA. The spreadsheet will be loaded onto Biosecurity Australias website when the addendum to the revised draft IRA report is released. Risk : Loss of trust Avoidance . As said by Ron Boswell: I would have thought that as a matter that was as important as this, that it would be the transcription would have been checked and checked again Advice: Register Now for the EuSpRIG 2012 Conference 029) Extracts from FDA Inspectional Observations and Warning Letters Failure to have an adequate validation procedure for computerized spreadsheets used for in-process and finished product analytical calculations. SOP 644.00, QAQC Spreadsheet Validation, is deficient in that only a small range of values are being used to challenge computerized spreadsheet mathematical calculations. Failure to use fully validated computer spreadsheets to calculate analytical results for in-process and finished product testing 21 CFR 211.165(e). Failure to validate computer software used as part of the quality system for its intended use according to an established protocol as required by 21 CFR 820.70(i). Risk . non-compliance with regulations, fines, penalties, wasted management time Avoidance . Know that end-user developed applications are not exempt from regulation Advice: Register Now for the EuSpRIG 2012 Conference 028) Shurgard stock dives after auditor quits over companys accounting Shares of the Seattle self-storage company fell 7.1 percent after Shurgard disclosed that Deloitte and Touche quit upon learning Shurgard overpaid its chief executive and another investor 700,000 each and took more than six months to find and correct the error. Shurgard said the overpayment occurred when the company bought out a limited partnership owned by Chief Executive Charles Barbo and another investor. A person in Shurgards accounting department used the wrong spreadsheet to figure out what the two were due, spokesman Jeff Szorik said. The payment was discovered and repaid six months later. 027) Spreadsheet glitch scrambles city election tally November 8, 2003 Albuquerque Tribune, NM Source: abqtribarchivesnews03110803newscanvass. shtml City Clerk Judy Chavez on Friday released new vote counts from the recent city bond elections correcting totals for six of the 10 bond questions. In one case, the count was off by more than 11,000 votes. She is reported as saying A clerk happened to compare the print-out from an old-fashioned adding machine to the print-out of the computer spreadsheet and noticed discrepancies. Individual, precinct-by-precinct numbers were accurate. The inaccuracies were in some of the bottom-line totals. A programming error in the citys computer spreadsheet caused the problem but it has been corrected. 026) NYSE fines local trader 475,000 November 01, 2003 The Grand Rapids Press Source: mlivenewsgrpressindex. ssfbasenews-111067685394184490.xml A well-known Grand Rapids investment managers alleged mishandling of stock orders has led to 475,000 in fines by the New York Stock Exchange and censures for him and two other employees involved in the orders. The stock exchange said Cusack, 47, bought large blocks of Foremost stock in September and October of 1999, but didnt properly document which of his clients would have the stock placed in their accounts. The lack of documentation raised the possibility that he could wait to decide how to distribute the shares until he knew how the shares performed that day -- a violation of NYSE rules and Securities and Exchange Commission laws. Cusack told the stock exchange he had a spreadsheet that spelled out how the stock would be distributed when the orders were placed, but the spreadsheet was thrown away after the transactions and other documentation were completed. 025) Errors and omissions excepted: 3.7M An agency may permit correction of a bid where clear and convincing evidence establishes both the existence of a mistake and the bid actually intended. Our review of the record, including Emersons computer-generated spreadsheets, confirms that the price at spreadsheet cell number D159 (for electrical work) was not included in the subtotal at cell number D160. Based on the format of the spreadsheet, it is clear that the 3,702,025 price at cell number D159 was intended to be included in the firms subtotal price. Also at: pubklawrdgao2003B-2925552.html 024) Computational error in performing complicated calculations October 2003, Yahoo news Source: biz. yahooprnews031030dcth0181.html Fannie Mae filed a Form 8-KA with the SEC amending their third quarter press release to correct computational errors in that release. There were honest mistakes made in a spreadsheet used in the implementation of a new accounting standard. The bottom line is that the correction has no impact on our income statement, but resulted in increases to unrealized gains on securities, accumulated other comprehensive income, and total shareholder equity (of 1.279 billion, 1.136 billion, and 1.136 billion, respectively). the correction had to do with a computational error in performing complicated calculations required in the implementation of FAS 149. 023) Somebody actually checked a spreadsheet October 2003, The Tennessean Source: tennesseaneducationarchives031041323597.shtmlElementID41323597 Education Networks of America (ENA) operates the Internet network connecting schools across Tennessee. ENA twice won multimillion-dollar state contracts with bids that appeared higher than others. Jacqueline Shrago, who was the Education Departments project manager, said the ISIS 2000 bid appeared cheaper until costs for all three and a half years were computed. Looking more closely, it appeared that ISIS had made an error on a spreadsheet and that the bid actually was higher than ENAs, she said. We asked questions in the protest period, and they would not give an answer, Shrago said. She said ISIS never explained, either, to federal agencies, which fund a large part of the schools computer system. So ENA got the contract. 022) Spreadsheet variance at MCI Oct. 10, 2003 Telecommunications News PRNEWSWIRE Source: prnewswirecgi-binstories. plACCTSVBIZINK1.storyampSTORYwwwstory10-09-20030002033002ampEDATETHUOct092003,12:28PM Watchdog Calls for Further Investigation of MCI The August 2003 Department of Defense IG report states, . many of the invoice amounts listed on the MCIWorldCom spreadsheet were inaccurate. Specifically, 467 invoices on the MCIWorldCom spreadsheet differed from the hard copy invoices by 2.1 million. Last month, The New York Post reported a former MCI employees claim about over-billing at the State Department: It was wrong and I regret it. We were over-billing the government 20,000 a month on one circuit. The order to overcharge came down from a vice president and through three layers of management. 021) Excel-COBOL transfer loses voter data Source: ddtonlinearticles20031008newsnews2.txt October 2003, Delta Democrat Times The city has a three-step process for elections: The first part was getting the voting books from the county and checking them. After that step was completed, the names were added to an Excel spreadsheet in the citys computer. The information from Excel had to be entered into another database, COBOL. Apparently what happened is that when the rolls were printed, all the information did not get transferred, Alexander said. Entire neighborhoods were left off of the voter rolls. 020) 12M Error inflates school impact fees in Florida September 12, 2003 Orlando Sentinel Assistant County Manager Cindy Hall, in a memo to commissioners on Thursday, wrote that the April 22 study by Henderson Young amp Co. duplicated the cost of building a new elementary school. The extra 12 million cost was corrected on a spreadsheet in the study, but it wasnt later adjusted on the total cost of school projects for the next five years. Jim Drake, director of finance for Lake County Public Schools, said: It was basically a simple spreadsheet error. But obviously its going to have an impact on building new facilities. County Commissioner Jennifer Hill said the consultant was given the final numbers for its study from the School Board only a few months before the studys completion, It was rush, rush, rush, she said. Hill called the mistake a simple mathematical error. Aug. 27, 2003 Kansas City Source: kansascitymldkansascitybusiness6632965.htm Two ex-HealthSouth executives plead guilty to conspiracy, fraud (Associated Press) Earnings were overstated by at least 3.5 billion. This investigation is not about a mere accounting fraud, but rather a business scheme to fraudulently boost HealthSouths reported earnings, said U. S. Attorney Alice Martin in a statement. Brown pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud. He admitted preparing a false spreadsheet for auditors that inflated HealthSouths assets and made the company appear to be worth more that it was. 018) 24-million spreadsheet clerical error Source: theregister. co. ukcontent6731298.html June 03, 2003 TORONTO (Reuters) - TransAlta Corp. said on Tuesday it will take a 24 million charge to earnings after a bidding snafu landed it more U. S. power transmission hedging contracts than it bargained for, at higher prices than it wanted to pay. . the companys computer spreadsheet contained mismatched bids for the contracts, it said. It was literally a cut-and-paste error in an Excel spreadsheet that we did not detect when we did our final sorting and ranking bids prior to submission, TransAlta chief executive Steve Snyder said in a conference call. I am clearly disappointed over this event. The important thing is to learn from it, which weve done. As New York ISO rules did not allow for a reversal of the bids, the contracts went ahead. Also at siliconrepublicsrep. iclogin. htmlstoryidsingle1576 017) Economic Testimony - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly There are times in which the economic expert is either unprepared or led into difficult positions. Likewise, there are times in which the cross examination opens the door for further damaging economic testimony. Over the years, we have compiled a list of some of the goofs and some of the successes among economic experts we have observed. . What spreadsheet During trial the plaintiffs attorney during cross examination focused upon the computer spreadsheet used by the defenses economic expert to allegedly prove that there were zero economic damages. The expert had relied heavily upon research assistants to construct the spreadsheet, but under the experts supervision. Unfortunately, the expert had not carefully examined the calculations and was not aware of several calculation errors. The spreadsheet was blown up as a trial exhibit, along with an alternate spreadsheet with corrected figures. The experts testimony at trial was inconsistent with the corrected spreadsheet. The expert was forced to acknowledge to the court the calculation error, and tried to explain it was not a serious one. Yet it was too late. The jury lost confidence in the testimony. The jury awarded the plaintiff more than 12 million in damages. Did you copy all the way down A plaintiffs economic expert was claiming that damages were to accrue over an extended period of time due to a permanently damaged reputation. Due to an incorrect use of a copy command in the spreadsheet, the lost profits after the tenth year of the projection became discontinuous, abruptly decreasing in one month, then following a smooth trend upward though the remainder of the time horizon. The economist had revised the spreadsheet, but failed to copy the revision down all cells, stopping after ten years. The remainder of the projection used the unrevised formula which abruptly took the profits into the negative regions. Since the profits were projected for a surgeon, it made little economic sense that a surgeon would continue practicing for several years with a negative income. Upon questioning in the deposition, the expert could not quickly figure out the reason for the questions and admitted that, if the projection showed it, it was quite possible for profits to be negative for short periods of time. Problems and inconsistencies could have been detected by the expert by simply graphing the result. However, the expert chose not to admit the possibility of a mistake in a deposition and provided damaging testimony instead. financeDOC20Mgt20Ltr. pdf Dec 27, 2002 During our FY 2002 audit of the Departments consolidated financial statements, we noted certain matters involving internal control over financial reporting and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants The amount recorded as a grant accrual in CAMS disagreed with the grant accrual spreadsheet, resulting in a 1.5 million understatement of grant accruals. This difference occurred because of an error in the spreadsheet formula. August 12, 2002 - in a regulated industry, the process is as important as the product: Source: tis. eh. doe. govenforceeasEA-2002-03WS. pdf Preliminary Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty 137,500. quality assurance issues affecting nuclear safety surrounding the discrepant nondestructive assay (NDA) data provided to Bechtel Hanford, Inc. in support of their decontamination and dismantlement activities at Building . Contrary to the above, between September 1998 and May 2001, work was not performed to established standards and controls using approved procedures. Examples include the following . the modification to the spreadsheet was not subjected to validation . the revisions to the spreadsheet used in the NDA process were not uniquely identified and labeled . several deficiencies related to the use of NDA applicable spreadsheets 014) IRR or XIRR - periodic or not Users often fail to realise the implication of Spreadsheets they develop. There is no third party independently testing whether these sheets work correctly. In course of time, they get used unquestioningly with nobody cross checking the validity of calculations. Weve never come across a company validating software embedded in Spreadsheets. To illustrate, heres a case we encountered with a corporate that was showing its procedures to be supported by well-documented Spreadsheets. Taking a deeper look at their sheets, we were surprised to find them using a wrong function for IRR calculation (Tip: There are 2 Excel IRR functions IRR() and XIRR(). XIRR() handles non-periodic cashflows while IRR() can handle only periodic cash flows). Over the last couple of years, the top management has been looking at reports with this wrong computation. We cant imagine what decisions were made using these numbers. 013) Debating association out of sorts 2002: Australasian intervarsity debating association The major error in the tabulation was introduced sometime after the draw for round two was announced, but before results from round two had begun to be entered into the tab spreadsheet. The data in the spreadsheet was re-sorted, so that the teams were listed alphabetically, but, mistakenly, not all columns were sorted. ArchiveNutrition20software20summary20(9).PDF End-2002, Anny Dentener reviewed several nutrition software packages for their suitability to provide information needed under the new ANZFA nutrition panel requirements. She says Overall, spreadsheets are cheap to run but can be time-consuming and error prone. A typical spreadsheet error spotted was for instance a burger chain understating energy from fat exactly by the factor difference between a large fries, and 100 gram 2002: Audit Of The Colorado Student Loan Programs Establishment And Use Of Federal And Operating Funds CSLP made an error in calculating the amount needed to establish the Operating Fund. We found a 36,131 transfer to the Operating Fund that was not supported. CSLP explained that it had made an error on the spreadsheet CSLP used to calculate the beginning balance of the Operating Fund. A formula in the spreadsheet picked-up the date, 120298, and interpreted it as a dollar amount, resulting in an error of 36,131. As a result, the beginning balance of the Federal Fund was understated by 36,131. We calculated that CSLP owed the Federal Fund an additional 8,884 in imputed interest on this amount calculated through March 31, 2002. Not correcting such an error would be inconsistent with sound business practices, as required by 34 CFR (a)(11)(iii)(B). We recommend that the COO for FSA require CSLP to Reimburse the Federal Fund for the remaining 1,172 in imputed interest on the spreadsheet error calculated through March 31, 2002. AUDIT SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION January 17, 2002 Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety, Administrative Services Division ASD did not have current policies and procedures to help ensure revenue distributions were correct, and controls over supervision also need strengthening. Spreadsheets used to distribute tax revenue to the States General Fund contained a formula error. Consequently, from October 1999 through May 2001, approximately 9.5 million in sales tax revenue was not distributed to the General Fund. Although this spreadsheet error was corrected in June 2001 and the 9.5 million was transferred to the General Fund, internal controls are still weak. Consequently, further spreadsheet errors could occur and go undetected. 009) Accounting error forces bank to 3b write-down Source: abc. aupms357092.htm PM Archive - Monday, 3 September, 2001 The National Australia Bank wrote down the value of its US mortgage business HomeSide Lending by a massive AUS3 billion. The news triggered a free fall in the NABs share price that knocked more than 6.5 billion of the banks market value. Contributing to the write down was an incorrect interest rate assumption fed into HomeSides financial modelling. This alone has cost the lenders 755 million. A selling spree knocked more than 13 per cent of the value of NAB shares. 008) The role of spreadsheets in the AIBAllfirst currency trading fraud cd02eusprig2001AIBSpreadsheets. htm 2001 Allfirst Would not pay the US 10,000 for a direct data feed from Reuters to the risk control section. Instead, they got Rusnak to download his Reuters feed into a spreadsheet. He then substituted links to his private manipulated spreadsheet. The total losses hidden by the fraud were almost US700M. Rusnak exaggerated bonuses by over half a million dollars. Ray Butler points out in the article above that One error in a spreadsheet will subvert all the controls in all the systems feeding into it. An auditing tool (SpACE) would have found the external links in the key spreadsheet. 007) Using a spreadsheet to catch a spreadsheet error Source: irlgov. iecommittees-00c-publicaccounts000926page2.htm September 2000: An extract from the proceedings of the Public Accounts committee in Ireland: The second error was discovered during the process . of preparing the councils defence against the claim made by SIAC in the initial tender assessment. The bills of quantities and the rates were inserted at that stage on a spreadsheet for the purpose of putting them in electronic form and checking them. The error showed up during that process many months later. Section 05 - drainage and service ducts - the 42,000 should have been carried forward but someone misread it as a title head as distinct from being a summary of another page. It was as simple and unbelievable as that, but that is what happened. As the county engineer has reminded me, it happened in two tenders and it was not seen by us in the checking process. Acting Chairman. If we accept that there will always be errors in tenders and, in this instance, that human error has cost the Exchequer so much money, it is obvious that change is needed, particularly in view of the fact that a compensation culture has come into existence. Source: oig. hhs. govoasreportsregion440202016.pdf Spreadsheet Errors The FY 1999 MedicareMedicaid crossover log contained calculation errors, resulting in the log being overstated by 38,240. The hospital recorded the Medicare bad debts for patients who also qualified for Medicaid on an electronic spreadsheet. Each month the spreadsheet was updated with additional MedicareMedicaid crossover patients. The spreadsheet contained a summation function, allowing various cells to be added to compute a total. The hospital inadvertently included some cells in a subtotal and also added them a second time in the grand total. In addition, the hospital inadvertently omitted one subtotal from the grand total. These errors resulted in the summary totals being overstated. 005) Strict liability means no excuses 1999: Respondent explains that many of the violations alleged were the result of mistakes in formulas used to calculated materials usage and emission rates. Respondent states that it is prepared to demonstrate at hearing that these formulas were in a typical spreadsheet format, that once these formulas are developed, they are opaque to the users of the spreadsheets, and that during the time the error persisted, Vemco did not know or have reason to know that it was violating its permit requirements. Discussion With strict liability, factors of intent, good faith, willfulness or fault are not relevant to a finding of liability for violations. Therefore, Respondents arguments that it intended to comply, did not know of the violations, and made an innocent mistake are not defenses to liability. These arguments, and the assertion that errors in calculating emissions were discovered, reported and corrected by Respondent, may be relevant to assessment of a penalty, but are not relevant to the issue of liability. 004) 100 million here or there. CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT, 1999 Estimated Incremental Capital and Operating Costs, 2002 to 2016 The total cost number and its present discounted value are about 100 million less than the original estimates pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. This difference is the result of a spreadsheet mistake that was detected at the time the 1999 estimates were updated. Source: lims. tarateclims199806msg00048.html June 1998 LIMSList - Spreadsheet blues From my perspective as a NAMAS assessor (ISO Guide 25) and working in the pharmaceutical induistry I think that speadsheets are the highest risk of any application. When you read on you will see why. A pharamceutical quality control laboratory used an Excel sporeadsheet to calculate the percentage dissolution from tablets. To improve efficiency the Excel guru (should that be gnu) programmed a macro. The whole data supporting a product licence application was calculated with this macro. The package was submitted. Then somebody had a good idea: should we validate the macro To cut the story short, there was a problem with the macro and there was a gross error in the calculation: some batches that were in were now out of specification. The 277 page report that was prepared to explain this fiasco delayed the approval by several months. Calculate the cost of an average drug sale at 1 million per week or more (V1gr excepted) and you have the approximate cost of the error. Risk: non-compliance with regulations, fines, penalties, wasted management time Avoidance: check all the work including the hidden features like VBA code Advice: Register Now for the EuSpRIG 2012 Conference 002) The missing minus sign Source: catless. ncl. ac. ukRisks16.72.html Jan. 1995: Computing error at Fidelitys Magellan fund There was a big flap recently over Fidelitys Magellan fund estimating in November that they would make a 4.32share distribution at the end of year, and then not doing so. A letter of explanation was sent to the shareholders (including me) from J. Gary Burkhead, the President of Fidelity, including the following pertinent items: During the estimating process, a tax accountant is required to transcribe the net realized gain or loss from the funds financial records (which were correct at all times) to a separate spreadsheet, where additional calculations are performed. The error occurred when the accountant omitted the minus sign on a net capital loss of 1.3 billion and incorrectly treated it as a net capital gain on this separate spreadsheet. This meant that the dividend estimate spreadsheet was off by 2.6 billion. 001) Archive of case studies 1984-1995 Reports of Spreadsheet Errors in Practice Business Week How Personal Computers Can Trip Up Executives, (2861) September 24, 1984, pp. 94-102 passim. Creeth, R. Microcomputer Spreadsheets: Their Uses and Abuses, Journal of Accountancy (159:6) June 1985, pp. 90-93. Dhebar, A. Managing the Quality of Quantitative Analysis, Sloan Management Review (34:2) Winter 1993, pp. 69-75. Ditlea, S. Spreadsheets Can be Hazardous to Your Health, Personal Computing (11:1) January 1987, pp. 60-69. Gilman, H. amp Bulkeley, W. Can Software Firms be Held Responsible When a Program Makes a Costly Error Wall Street Journal (CCVII:24) August 4, 1986, p. 17. Freeman, R. M. A Slip of the Chip on Computer Spread Sheets can Cost Millions, The Wall Street Journal, August 4, 1984. Hayen, R. L. amp Peters, R. M. How to Ensure Spreadsheet Integrity, Management Accounting (60:9) April 1989, pp. 30-33. Savitz, E. J. Magellan Loses its Compass, Barrons (84:50) December 12, 1994. Simkin, M. G. Micros in Accounting: How to Validate Spreadsheets, Journal of Accountancy (164:5) November 1987, pp. 130-138 passim. Slade, R. Is it Getting too Easy The Risks Digest (13:45) catless. ncl. ac. ukRisks, April 28, 1992. Woodbury, G. G. Re: Computer Error in Durham N. C. Election Results, The Risks Digest (9:42) catless. ncl. ac. ukRisks, November 13, 1989. panko. cba. hawaii. edussrCraggKingCraggKing. htm Cragg amp King 1993 Spreadsheet Modelling Abuse One of Ray Pankos stories illustrates the problem of using precision as displayed in Excel: Two 15,000-cell spreadsheets were used for a market projection. Numbers were rounded off to whole dollars, but an error during inputting caused the inflation multiplier of 1.06 to also be rounded off, becoming 1. Without inflation the market was underestimated by 36million, having serious consequences for the business News items are the copyright of the original authors as cited by the link to the story source. Editing and comments copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Patrick OBeirne, European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group. The contents of this page may not be copied without attribution. We encourage a link to us with this description: eusprig. orghorror-stories. htm Spreadsheet mistakes - news stories collated by the European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group. They illustrate common problems and errors that occur with the uncontrolled use of spreadsheets, with comments on the risk and possible avoidance action. If you would like to contribute to this, email Stories at eusprig dot org with your story. You may find more by searching the web for Spreadsheet and these keywords (and their variants such as - ed, - ing, - s and - ly): anomaly, audit finding, bug, bungled, chaos, cock-up, corrupt, damage, debug, defect, deficiency, disaster, dubious, embarrassment, error, erroneous, Excel, exposed, failed, failure, false, falsify, fault, faulty, fiasco, flaw, foul-up, fraud, fraudulent, fubar, garbage, GIGO, glitch, hell, horror story, inaccurate, inadequate, inadvertent, incorrect, insecure, invalid, invalidated, issue, lies, loss, manipulation, miscalculate, miscalculation, mislead, missing, mistake, missing, misunderstood, nightmare, non-compliance, not correct, oops, overestimate, overstatement, problem, risk, rogue, serious, slip, snafu, suspect, suspicious, trap, typo, unchecked, uncontrolled, uncorrected, uncovered, underestimate, understatement, undetected, untested, violation, weak, weakness, wrong. Chris 2017 NWSL Draft Big Board Top 100 Buchanan Tops Loaded Class 1. Jane Campbell 82 11 Stanford 2. Kailen Sheridan 8211 Clemson 3. Ashton McKeown 8211 Long Beach State 4. Rachel Boaz 8211 BYU 5. Diana Poulin 8211 Saint Johns (NY) 1. Kadeisha Buchanan 8211 West Virginia 2. Kayla Mills 8211 USC 3. Maddie Bauer 8211 Stanford 4. Rebecca Quinn 8211 Duke 5. Christina Gibbons 8211 Duke 1. Rose Lavelle 8211 Wisconsin 2. Morgan Andrews 8211 USC 3. Alexis Shaffer 8211 Virginia 4. Ashley Lawrence 8211 West Virginia 5. Nickolette Driesse 8211 Penn State 1. Savannah Jordan 8211 Florida 2. Rachel Hill 8211 UConn 3. McKenzie Meehan 8211 Boston College 4. Murielle Tiernan 8211 Virginia Tech 5. Toni Payne 8211 Duke 1. Kadeisha Buchanan 8211 D (CB) 8211 West Virginia If theres a cant miss prospect in this loaded draft class, it feels like thats Buchanan, who has already proven her bonafides at the highest level of play, most notably at the Womens World Cup last Summer for Canada. Buchanan has already shown the potential to be one of her nations best ever and is already the rock at the heart of the defense despite still being just twenty years old. Big things had already been predicted for Buchanan upon her arrival at West Virginia before the 2013 season, and she more than lived up to those expectations, being named the Big 12 Defender of the Year and a second team All-American as a rookie. Its been onward and upward ever since then for the Canadian, who has added two more Big 12 Defensive POTY awards and two more All-America nods. About the only thing missing from the shelf at an individual level for Buchanan is the Hermann Trophy, though that may be a bit harder to come by. You could make an argument that Buchanan is one of the finest defenders at collegiate level of the past decade, and shes showed that form at international level as well, being named 2015 Womens World Cup Best Young Player. Buchanans not a giant at center-back, but she is strong as an ox and quick as well, traits shes displayed at all levels thus far. Some may wonder if Buchanans aggression may need to be tamped down a bit at professional level, but its probably not going to scare any suitors off come Januarys draft. Center-backs arent popular picks at 1 at pro level, but if someone out there needs help on the backline, theyd be foolish to overlook Buchanan given her impressive body of work thus far. 2. Rose Lavelle 8211 MF (AMC) 8211 Wisconsin On the precipice of a breakthrough at senior international level, Lavelle looks to be a dead certainty to be one of the top two picks in Januarys draft, and could end up going 1 overall depending on team need. While Lavelle was a highly touted player coming into Wisconsin, few probably envisioned her rising to this level after four seasons in the college ranks. But Lavelle was an instant star for the Badgers, winning Big Ten Freshman of the Year honors and raking in awards by the bucketful since at an individual level, including a pair of All-America honors her past two seasons in Madison. Some might argue that Lavelles high volume shooting can be problematic at times, but given the dearth of weapons around Lavelle at times, its a lot more understandable. That was largely the case last year, when Lavelle notched a career high in goals with seven and a career low in assists with three as her teammates collectively couldnt hit water if they fell out of a boat. Lavelle impresses just as much with her ability to keep the game simple with short passes as she does with her runs with the ball from midfield. Its those runs with the ball at warp speed that captivate the eye and make the quick footed Lavelle such a threat to opposing defenses. Its highly unlikely that a player of even Lavelles calibre will be able to carry the likes of Wisconsin to the College Cup this season, but shell still likely be a joy to watch as she tries her hardest to defy those odds. But most are probably starving for the opportunity to see Lavelle in an offense with superior players to see what the midfield schemer can really do. The active scoring leader in DI going into 2016 has been an unholy terror with the ball at her feet for three seasons for the Gators. Jordan made the best first impression possible as a freshman, scoring twenty-two goals for Florida, one of the best hauls in history at this level for a rookie. Its been a steady deluge of goals ever since for Jordan, who topped nineteen goals as a sophomore with last seasons twenty-four goals and seven assists. On an analytics basis, Jordans numbers last season were astonishing, with the Florida forward needing just 4.96 shots per goal and putting over 55 of those shots on target. Eleven goals against RPI Top 50 teams and fourteen against RPI Top 100 teams were both 1 in the nation. While Jordans not lightning quick, she has enough of a burst and accompanying strength to separate from most opposing defenders. And if Jordan gets a sight of goal within eighteen yards, its almost assured that shes going to be celebrating a goal. If the team that drafts her doesnt try to get cute and do something daft like put her out on the wing, Jordan is going to be a dangerous scoring presence at the next level for years to come. 4. Rachel Hill 8211 F (CF) 8211 UConn With UConn no longer being a giant in the sport, theres perhaps a sense that Hill is being overlooked going into the final season of an otherwise glittering collegiate career. A salve for an offense that had been struggling for a true star for years, Hill has been one of the nations most lethal strikers for three seasons now and should continue to obliterate defenses as a senior in 2016. Hill announced her presence on the national scene with thirteen goals as a rookie, using that season as a springboard to making the U. S. U20 team at the 2014 U20 World Cup. That didnt exactly work out that well, but Hill brutalized collegiate defenses for sixteen goals upon her return. She hit that total once more as a junior, though her shots per goal mark was a little bit worse, having needed eighty-eight shots for that return. Hill put 60.2 of her shots on frame though, a staggering number, even for a player of her calibre. Hills eleven goals against RPI Top 100 teams is second best in this class, with the forward having also netted six against RPI Top 50 teams in 2015. The Huskies could be a dark horse to get to Cary and the College Cup considering their firepower this season, and Hill could find herself as a Hermann Trophy contender if they get there. Regardless, Hill is one of this class elite players and should be gone by the end of the first round. 5. Kayla Mills 8211 D (RB, LB) 8211 USC Id make an argument that Mills might be the best full-back prospect to come out of the college ranks in the NWSL era. The Trojan defender was recruited as an attacker before being converted to a full-back and has taken to the role exceedingly well, winning second team All-America honors as well as Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Year honors, a big accomplishment considering the level of defensive talent in the league. Mills more than earned it, terrorizing teams from her right-back position as she tied for the team lead with six assists while also scoring twice. Mills wasnt afraid to let fly, shooting forty-eight times on the year, though its safe to say she wont be that involved in front of goal as a professional if she stays at full-back. Considering Mills scored four times and had seven assists in a more offensive role as a rookie, a pro role at wide defender isnt set in stone, though given her effectiveness at right-back for USC, its hard to see why she should move back into the attack unless its in a super sub role. Mills thunderous forays up the flank have been commonplace in L. A. the past few seasons and should have her on the radar for the USWNT sooner rather than later. As a senior on one of the nations best defenses this upcoming season, Mills could lock in a spot in the first round of the 2017 draft with a big campaign. 6. Maddie Bauer 8211 D (CB) 8211 Stanford The immovable rock at the heart of the Stanford back four, it almost feels like Bauers never really gotten her due at collegiate level despite being a consistently excellent center-back for a defense that is perennially among the nations elite. Bauer came into Palo Alto with a glittering resume at youth club and international level, a former captain of the U. S. U17 team. It took a while for Bauer to get back into the youth international picture after playing on the U. S. U20 team for qualifying for the 2014 U20 World Cup, with the center-back only getting back into the U23 frame this past offseason. At collegiate level, Bauer stepped right into a starting role as a freshman and has been an elite level center-back ever since, though shes yet to be dubbed an All-American or even an All-Pac 12 first teamer yet despite picking up first team All-Region nods as a rookie and last year. Stanfords set to make a big push for a second national title in 2016, and Bauers got an excellent partner in central defense in Alana Cook, meaning she could be a part of the nations best back four if it lives up to expectations. Even in a class full of potentially fantastic center-backs, Bauer looks like one of the creme de la creme, and a side looking for help in the heart of defense would be foolish to let her slip out of the first round come January. 7. Rebecca Quinn 8211 D (CB), MF (CM) 8211 Duke Canadian international is almost assured of being one of a handful of rookies from her country to get allocated in the offseason before 2017 kicks off. A budding star at youth international level before even stepping foot onto campus at Durham, Quinn has now been a lock for the Canadian WNT and will feature for her home nation at the Rio Olympics in August. As you might expect, Quinns been a rock in Dukes defense for three seasons now, having also seen time in midfield for the Blue Devils when needed, mostly during her sophomore season. Its actually taken a while for Quinn to get her due, with this past seasons All-Region third team honor the first for her during her collegiate career, but there can be no doubting of Quinns importance to a Duke defense that finished up 2015 as one of the nations best. Quinns not going to light the world on fire on offense, but she has scored some goals against big clubs over the course of her collegiate career. Perhaps the biggest thing separating Quinn from a sure spot in the first round of Januarys draft might be durability questions. The Canadian has missed multiple matches through injury in all three of her collegiate seasons thus far and has to prove shes going to be able to stand up to the grind of the NWSL season if a club is going to spend an early pick on her. If shes healthy though, Quinn looks like one of this class best central defenders by some margin. 8. Christina Gibbons 8211 D (RB, LB), MF (CM, RM) 8211 Duke Dukes Swiss army knife really began to rise to prominence in 2014 when she battled her way onto the U. S. U20 World Cup team and held her own at left-back for most of the tournament. It underlined Gibbons ability at youth international level after having impressed early on in her Blue Devils career, when she had started every match as a rookie while looking like one of the best young defenders in the country. Gibbons continued to grow as a sophomore despite battling injuries late and showcased her versatility in taking up a more offensive role for the Blue Devils as they searched for goals. But Gibbons only really took the leap to the next level for Duke last season, helping marshal one of the nations best defenses along with fellow 2017 draft prospect Rebecca Quinn. With Gibbons playing multiple roles for Duke over the course of the season, she excelled both defensively and going forward, netting three goals and five assists in an All-America season for Duke as they made a thrilling run to the College Cup final. Expectations are high going into 2016 for Duke, and if Gibbons can help deliver a national title to Durham, its within reason that she might be a first round selection in Januarys draft. Her versatility in being able to play just about anywhere on the pitch should help her cause, though you have to figure shell find her best role at full-back, the role she filled at the U20 World Cup. 9. McKenzie Meehan 8211 FW (CF), MF (AMC) 8211 Boston College If not for an accursed falling mirror, Meehan might already be shredding NWSL defenses, but said mirror did a number on her Achilles before the 2014 season, forcing a medical redshirt and pushing the dynamic attacker back into this draft class. It was a cruel blow for a player that looked to be on the brink of stardom for BC after scoring twenty goals as a sophomore in 2013 and looking like a player that could have made a real difference for the U. S. in 2014s U20 World Cup. Fears about Meehans recovery from said injury in the short-term were allayed by another offensively brilliant season for the Eagles in 2015. Meehan clubbed opposing teams for seventeen goals, though that number as inflated quite a bit by penalties, with Meehan going five-for-five from the spot. That deflated Meehans shots per goal mark to mere passable levels, though she still managed 51.2 on her shots on goal percentage. Meehan hit for eight goals against RPI Top 100 teams and five against RPI Top 50 opponents as well, so she certainly knows how to find the target against strong DI opposition. There may be some fears that Meehan might be a system product of BCs all-out attack style, especially with Stephanie McCaffreys NWSL struggles. But if Meehan knocks in another 18-20 goals as a senior, shell be hard to ignore in the first few rounds in January. 10. Morgan Andrews 8211 MF (MC, AMC) 8211 USC You know Andrews story by this point. A prep phenom who was touted breathlessly as the next big thing, Andrews was already being tipped for glory with the USWNT by the time she stepped foot in South Bend for Notre Dame. The hype definitely seemed real in her freshman season with the Irish, as Andrews won ACC Freshman of the Year honors after a seven goal, five assist season for the national powerhouse. And then things went bad for Andrews, who failed to make the U. S. U20 team for the U20 World Cup in 2014 after lackluster appearances at youth international level. It started a tailspin which saw Andrews gradually fall out of favor in South Bend despite starting every match for the club and putting up solid stats, with her occupying a spot on the bench for UND in crunch time in the NCAA Tournament likely signaling the necessity for a divorce from the Irish. A transfer out west to USC followed, and an up and down season ended with All-America honors, likely on the back of a rather stunning late season run. Andrews scored both goals in the win over rival UCLA, netted a hat trick in the NCAA Tournament triumph over Cal State Fullerton, and added two more against Princeton. Andrews finished with twelve goals (three from the penalty spot), which is great on paper, but the late season surge obscured the fact that the ball often stopped with Andrews as evidenced by her taking a rather ridiculous ninety-six shots that looked gaudy before she caught fire late. Andrews draft stock largely depends on how well she can lead a team that looks like a College Cup contender on paper in 2016. I could easily see her go in the Top 5 with a big season, but I also think Andrews is more of a boom or bust prospect than some will want to admit. 11. Alexis Shaffer 8211 MF (AMC) 8211 Virginia The occasional forgotten woman of the Virginia offense at one point, its safe to say everybody knows Shaffers name now after a breakout junior season for the goal happy Cavs. Shaffer had made an immediate impact as a rookie super sub for Virginia in 2013, chipping in with nine assists for the club, even though she only started one match for UVA that season. In the lineup consistently as a sophomore, Shaffer would more than double her goal total, netting seven times, though her assists would drop off a bit. Most likely expected Shaffer to keep improving in 2015 on a star-studded team, but few probably expected her to score fourteen times for the Cavs while also adding eight assists. Considering Shaffer isnt a center forward, her efficiency numbers in terms of shots per goal, with twelve non-penalty goals on sixty-one shots, are tremendous. Ten of Shaffers goals came against RPI Top 100 teams, while she hit for seven against RPI Top 50 teams, tied for second most in this class. With Makenzy Doniaks graduation, Shaffer is the leading returning scorer (and assister) for the 2016 Virginia side and will obviously be taking a lot of the burden in keeping the Cavs attack ticking over. The U. S. U23 internationals been improving rapidly over the course of her collegiate career though, and another season like 2015 could have Shaffer moving into the discussion of potential first round picks in January. 12. Murielle Tiernan 8211 F (CF) 8211 Virginia Tech Its hard to be under the radar if youve scored just short of forty goals in three seasons, but it still feels like Tiernan doesnt get her due playing for unfashionable Virginia Tech. Tiernans already smashed most of the record book for the Hokies, leading the club in career goals and points with one season to go. Tiernans been remarkably consistent in the nations toughest conference, starting sixty-eight of seventy matches for VT and scoring at least eleven goals in all three of her collegiate seasons. The goals have come at a steady and efficient clip, with Tiernan needing just sixty-four shots to score fourteen times last year and placing 54.7 of her shots on frame, which were actually both slight decreases from her 2014 form. Just six of Tiernans goals came against RPI Top 100 teams, but five of those goals came against RPI Top 50 teams, so she can deliver against better competition. A big, bruising center forward leading the line, the biggest question about Tiernans draft stock might be how she copes consistently with the rigors of the pro game having to deal with the cystic fibrosis that shes battled through successfully throughout her collegiate career. It certainly hasnt stopped her thus far, and Tiernan could be a real attacking gem for a club in the first half of Januarys draft. 13. Jane Campbell 8211 GK 8211 Stanford Campbells seemingly been the Chosen One in goal for the longest time now, the preordained successor to Hope Solos mantle in goal for the USWNT, but to be honest, Ive cooled on her a little bit. While theres no question that Campbell is a superior goalkeeper when at her best, she hasnt always been at her best with the Card. Campbell took over in goal when Emily Oliver was medically disqualified in 2013 and hasnt looked back as Stanfords 1, though she couldnt unseat Katelyn Rowland for the role at the U20 World Cup in 2014 for the U. S. Campbells been consistently called up for the U. S. U23 team though and is clearly high in the pecking order of succession going forward, though shes had multiple hiccups at club level. Campbell ticks every box youd want for a goalkeeper at the next level: shot-stopping ability, presence, kicking game, etc. But theres also the reality that Campbell has baffling lapses in concentration in matches that simply should not be happening to a top-tier upperclassman goalkeeper at this level. Odds are, Campbell matures with age and turns into an international calibre goalkeeper for the U. S. and a 1 for an NWSL team. But for the first time, I feel like a ceiling is in sight for Campbell, and Im not quite sure shes a cant miss prospect any more. 14. Toni Payne 8211 MF (AML), F (LF, CF) 8211 Duke U. S. U23 international had an NCAA Tournament run that should become the stuff of legend around Durham, helping deconstruct a near impregnable Florida State defense in the Blue Devils shock semi-final victory in the College Cup. Its a performance that put Payne back on the map after her career had seemingly begun to stagnate after such a bright start for the ACC side. Payne immediately won a starting spot for Duke as a rookie and produced a promising return with three goals and five assists to heighten expectations going into 2014. Payne would flourish individually, with seven goals and five assists for the Blue Devils, but she also was forced to endure Dukes worst season on the pitch in some time collectively. In fact, Payne seemed to be stuck in a bit of an offensive rut as a junior, as even with that huge push at the end of the season, she finished with just four goals and five assists in 2015. But being able to produce on the big stage in the NCAA Tournament, both in the semi-final and the quarterfinal against Stanford absolves a lot of sins and has put Payne squarely on the radar for the 2017 draft. While Payne could be a terror for teams that love to explode on the counter, the big question is if shes got enough end product to truly be a hit at the next level. 15. Ashley Lawrence 8211 D (LB), MF (AMC), F (CF) 8211 West Virginia A polarizing player, but one who has set herself as a consistent member of the Canadian WNT over the past few years. Lawrence has seemingly been around internationally and with WVU forever and will be headed to the Olympics, likely in a new position, having been transitioned to left-back in the run up to Rio. Its an interesting move to say the least, as one of Lawrences strengths as an attacking midfielder has been her acceleration and ability to explode into space as her side transitions into attack. Those physical skills could serve her well in a full-back role as she tries to motor forward to provide attacking width. As an attacker, Lawrence has been a solid producer, with five goals and eight assists last season both career highs at Division I level. But Lawrence is also far from being an efficient offensive force, needing forty-eight shots for those five goals and not putting 50 of those efforts on frame. Critics will also point out that Lawrence has never been the most consistent player on the pitch, though on her day, Lawrence can be a devastating part of an offense. A mortal lock to be allocated by Canada, the left-back experiment in Rio for Lawrence may ultimately dictate more of her draft future than her senior season at WVU. 16. Kailen Sheridan 8211 GK 8211 Clemson Canadian looks to be second in line to the throne in goal behind Sabrina DAngelo when veterans Erin McLeod and Stephanie Labbe retire. Injury to McLeod has already pushed Sheridan into a reserve role as Canadas 3 for Rio, and though shell technically be an alternate, Sheridan will still travel to Brazil with the rest of the team, marking another peg in a steady rise up the ranks. The Canadians been the last line of defense for Clemson over the course of three seasons and has largely met expectations after coming into the ACC school as one of its most highly touted recruits in ages. Its no coincidence that having Sheridan in goal has coincided with the Tigers defense becoming one of the fiercest in DI, and she capped her junior season off with All-America honors at years end. A rangy keeper whos more long than explosive in between the pipes, Sheridans still capable of making big saves and has deceptive footwork for a keeper. The worry is that when it goes wrong for Sheridan, it really goes wrong, as in the disastrous ACC Tournament semi-final loss to Virginia last year. Then again, you probably could say many of the same things about current Washington Spirit keeper Kelsey Wys, who turned out just fine after maturing in goal. It could be the same way for Sheridan, who should be one of the first two keepers off the board in January. 17. Nichelle Prince 8211 F (CF) 8211 Ohio State A mercurial prospect, Princes draft stock has been volatile over the past three seasons since her electrifying debut in 2013. That season, the Canadian marked her collegiate debut with thirteen goals and six assists and looked like the next big thing for club and country. Prince has struggled to recapture that form since though, missing half of 2014 through the U20 World Cup and injury, scoring just three goals in ten matches for the Buckeyes. Prince fared better last season, leading the team in goals and assists, but she scored just six times on a gaudy eighty-four shots, hardly the return of an ace marksman at this level. And yet Prince is so much more when actually looking beyond the numbers and at her complete performances live and on film. Her workrate is tremendous, and the Canadian is more than willing to track back into midfield and defend from the front, often to the detriment of her own personal statistics. Canadian WNT manager John Herdman is clearly a fan, having named Prince to the Olympic Team ahead of the Rio games, something that could put her in the frame for an allocated spot in the NWSL next season. Prince clearly has a pro future, but maximizing that future may be contingent upon a big 2016 for the Buckeyes. 18. Nickolette Driesse 8211 MF (MC, AMC) 8211 Penn State One of the only players in NCAA history to have two winners medals with two different clubs at DI level. Driesse first burst onto the scene as a member of Florida State in 2013, starting twenty-seven matches and looking like a fixture for the Noles in central midfield for some time to come. Driesse impressed enough to make a late charge onto the U. S. U20 roster for the 2014 U20 World Cup, but it was a mixed blessing, as Driesse never really regained favor with FSU upon her return from the competition and was increasingly marginalized by the end of the Noles national title winning campaign. A fresh start with Penn State proved to be just what Driesse needed, and she flourished in a more attacking role in midfield for the Nittany Lions, providing enough thrust in the center of the park to help PSU on to their first national title. Four goals and six assists were a far cry from her more static days at Florida State, and Driesse looks like one of the the most dynamic midfielders in this class. Shell be vital for Penn State as a senior, as the team gets gutted by graduation and the U20 World Cup. If she can keep the attack humming, Driesse may sneak into the first round come January. 19. Joanna Boyles 8211 MF (AMC, MC) 8211 North Carolina A youth club phenom who took a little while to settle in with the Tar Heels but who has improved markedly since arriving in Chapel Hill. Boyles wouldnt really start rolling until winning a starting role as a sophomore and had a big season on the stat sheet, putting up assists on six game winning goals for UNC and notching eight assists overall. Boyles wasnt quite as explosive on the stat sheet last year, with four goals and four assists, but the attacking midfielder was still an invaluable contributor in UNCs first choice lineup. While Boyles ability in tight spaces and passing range are strong suits to her game, most will recognize her lethal ability on free kicks, hitting the upper corners of the goal from distance with alarming ease. There is a big red flag with Boyles though, and it was one all too common for UNC last season, as the senior midfielder was one of the many Tar Heels to see her season curtailed by an ACL injury. Boyles fell victim to the serious knee injury in early November, so her being 100 by the start of this season is somewhat in doubt. But with UNC likely to take hits from the U20 World Cup and from losses to graduation and transfer, the Heels desperately need her in the lineup and producing. If she doesnt skip a beat from the injury, Boyles could find her way close to or into the first round in January. 20. Mandy Freeman 8211 D (CB, RB, LB), MF (DM) 8211 USC Utility defender who can play anywhere needed on the backline or even in midfield, Freemans versatility should make her a hot commodity in the first few rounds of Januarys draft. Freeman made an immediate impression as a rookie for USC, immediately taking her spot as one of the Pac-12s best defenders and raising expectations going forward. While Freeman didnt play at that level as a sophomore, she was again a stud as a junior, taking her spot as the anchor in midfield ahead of the back four. The performance of Freeman as a junior was good enough to earn her a spot on the U. S. U23 team along with fellow Trojan (and 2017 NWSL Draft prospect) Kayla Mills. Freeman may have been a defensive midfielder in name, but she also tied for the team lead in assists with six, which should only increase her value going into January. With versatility always in demand, Freeman could end up making this projection look conservative come January, especially if USC lives up to their potential in 2016. 21. Kirsten Crowley 8211 D (CB, RB), MF (MC) 8211 Florida State Fifth-year senior is yet another top of the line defender to come off the conveyor belt in Tallahassee, a consistent source of top level defenders. Hopes may not have been through the roof for Crowley coming into 2013 after redshirting as a rookie, but the Floridian defied expectations by turning into an invaluable member of the defense at right-back. Crowley would again make pundits look dumb by proving to be a superb center-back for FSU upon sliding over to partner Kristin Grubka in 2014 as a member of the Noles title winning back four. Crowley would fill that post again as a junior, while adding the captaincy to her resume for FSU. Shed enjoy her best season for FSU anchoring the Noles defense and even got involved in the attack, scoring three times and adding five assists to show she had some offensive punch to go with defensive solidity. Her performance was enough to see her called into camp with the U. S. U23s in the offseason, adding more validity to her claims as one of this class premier players. The biggest question about Crowley is her size, as shes short for a center-back at the next level at just 55. But having also played right-back and being capable in midfield should help Crowleys cause. Shes a player that should find a role somewhere in the NWSL, and like Michaela Hahn last January, her draft stock might rise significantly if she can excel as a senior. 22. Stephanie Amack 8211 D (RB, LB, CB), MF (DMC) 8211 Stanford Its been a thoroughly odd career arc for Amack, who looked like a future superstar coming into her collegiate career with Stanford after having already picked up a winners medal for the U. S. U20s during 2012s glorious triumph. Except things havent particularly progressed in a major way since then for Amack. At youth international level, Amack was a member of the U20s once more for the U. S. in 2014, but few are likely to remember that dismal campaign with much fondness. With Stanford, while its hyperbolic to call Amack a bust considering shes been a solid starter for much of her college career, she hasnt come close to developing into the star that many foresaw upon her arrival in Palo Alto. While Amack was solid again for the Card, starting twenty-one matches for the team in 2015 as a junior, she continues to be overshadowed by many of the clubs more dynamic players. But for all that, you dont start for a powerhouse like Stanford if you arent quite talented, and Amacks versatility is a massive feather in her cap as she tries to transition to the next level. Capable of playing at full-back (as she did with the U. S. U20s), big enough to play at center-back, and even able as a defensive anchor in midfield, Amack could win a roster spot in the NWSL based on her ability to fill in where needed for a club. But such players arent often found being taken early in drafts, and if Amack wants to buck that trend, shell need her best season at Stanford by some margin in 2016. 23. Arielle Ship 8211 F (CF) 8211 Cal Came from obscurity to suddenly be one of the nations best forwards as a junior. A former U17 player for the U. S. at youth international level, Ship hadnt exactly made a big impression in her first two years in Berkeley, barely playing as a rookie before finding her feet a bit as a sophomore but still scoring just four goals in 2014. The worm turned in a major way for Ship as a junior though, as the center forward scored fourteen goals and added six assists to not just lead the Bears in scoring but to claim a shock Pac-12 Player of the Year honor, marking one of the few times in the awards history that it didnt head to Westwood or Palo Alto. There are some concerning points with Ship once you dive beyond the raw numbers, as her shots per goal mark was just about passable, while her 48.2 shots on goal percentage was a little disappointing. The biggest worry though might be the fact that Ship scored just two goals against RPI Top 50 teams in 2015, both in the opening weeks of the season, while her six Pac-12 goals came against UCLA, Oregon, and Utah, hardly the leagues biggest and baddest last year. It may sound like splitting hairs, but this class is loaded with forwards, and proving she can score consistently against the Pac-12s best may be the difference between the first half of the draft and the later rounds for Ship. 24. Simone Charley 8211 F 8211 Vanderbilt An A athlete, and this time, its not hyperbole, as Charleys an All-American level triple jumper for the Commodores in the offseason for Vandys track and field team. Charley will be vying for a spot in the triple jump with the U. S. for the Rio Olympics before her senior season on the pitch, underlining her aptitude in the event. Charleys not half bad at soccer either and has been the main conduit for offense here since Cheyna Williams departed. Many expected big things out of Charley in her junior season after a nine goal, three assist effort in 2014, but her goal total did sag a bit, as she scored just seven, though four of those were game winners, including a priceless extra time goal against league powerhouse South Carolina. Charleys still an incredibly raw prospect though, obviously down to splitting time between soccer and track and field, which is a gift and a curse for her potential future in the NWSL. The speedsters efficiency numbers are brutal for a big time prospect at forward (seven goals on eighty shots, 41.2 shot on goal percentage), but in the right environment, Charleys physical tools could make her lethal as a winger. A team would clearly be drafting Charley on upside and potential and would need patience to help her develop, but the payoff could be big. 25. Tyler Lussi 8211 F 8211 Princeton Princetons already put one prolific forward into the NWSL in current Chicago Red Star Jen Hoy, and the odds of that number doubling for next season are pretty high considering the first three seasons of Lussis career with the Tigers. Lussi went on a scoring tear as a rookie for Princeton, scoring ten goals in 2013 and raising expectations as she began her sophomore season. Its safe to say that Lussi exceeded all of those expectations, scoring better than a goal a game after netting eighteen times in just sixteen matches. Lussi followed that up with an All-America season as a junior, winning Ivy League Offensive Player of the Year for a second year running and demolishing defenses again with fifteen goals in nineteen matches. Reasons to worry Only four of Lussis goals last season came against RPI Top 100 teams, though you only have to ask Boston College how well the forward can do against big clubs when on form. Lussis efficiency numbers arent really much to write home about either, with a 7.20 shots per goal mark and 39.8 SOG percentage counting against her. With Lussi entrenched with the U. S. U23 team, theres certainly long-term potential for the Tiger, though it may be hard to break through beyond the middle rounds in this packed class. 26. Ashley Hatch 8211 F (CF) 8211 BYU Brute force on a football pitch personified, Hatch is a still somewhat raw talent at forward but one with no shortage of upside to her game through three seasons. A highly touted rookie coming into Provo, Hatch still was clearly getting her feet under her at this level as a rookie but still managed six goals and seven assists to raise expectations heading into her sophomore season. That was a breakout season for Hatch, who scored a stunning eighteen goals to help fire BYU to WCC honors and to establish herself as one of the nations best forwards. 2015 would not be a season to remember for Hatch though, as she suffered through an injury riddled season, which saw her miss eight matches and look limited in the final three matches of the season in which she returned. But even before being felled by injury, Hatch was struggling, as the Arizona native scored just four goals in ten matches with a rather absurdly bad efficiency mark, with the powerful forward needing seventy-six shots to score those four goals. A high usage rate comes with the territory in BYUs go, go, go offense, but those are frightening numbers in any context. BYU meeting their potential as a College Cup team this season largely depends on Hatch being healthy and on form. She has the potential to be a big time target forward at the next level, but Hatch could slip to the later rounds or out of draft consideration if she cant find her scoring form coming into 2016. 27. Claire Wagner 8211 D (CB) 8211 Clemson Leader of a hard-nosed Clemson defense that has helped turn the Tigers into a contender in the ACC. Understandably, it was pretty tough for Wagner to get recognized as one of the nations top young center-backs early in her career with Clemsons diminished profile, but as the Tigers have soared up the ACC ladder, so has the profile of their defensive bulwark. A starter from day one here, Wagners been an unshakable presence at the heart of the talented rearguard for three seasons and finally got much deserved All-ACC Third Team honors after her strong showing as a junior in 2015. Like some of the other members of Clemsons defense, Wagners got some scoring punch as well and showed as much last season, finishing tied for third on the team in goals with three and second in assists with five, both strong totals for a center-back. But its Wagners defending that makes her a potential pro, and with Clemson a contender to reach the College Cup in 2016, shell be under the microscope to see if she can lead the Tigers to glory. If she can or comes close, she could well sneak into the middle rounds of this Januarys draft. 28. Stephanie Ribeiro 8211 MF 8211 UConn If you guessed that Rachel Hill was the leader in shots for UConn, youd be wrong, as Ribeiro actually led the club with a whopping ninety-six, a crazy number for someone listed as a midfielder. Ribeiro also enjoyed her best season as a collegian, scoring seven goals and doubling the assist total from her sophomore season with eight. Six of Ribeiros seven goals were match winners, showcasing a clutch scoring factor which may possibly ease some of the pain of what would have to be considered abysmal efficiency numbers (including a 30.2 SOG mark). Ribeiros always seemed to be on the cusp of big things at UConn, first impressing as a super sub as a rookie before earning spot starter duties as a sophomore and scoring six goals for her troubles. A recall to U. S. U20 camp at the end of that season seemingly put Ribeiro on a fast track to stardom, but shed miss all of 2014 through injury, raising questions going into 2015. As stated above though, Ribeiro flourished, winning All-America and AAC Midfielder of the Year honors. That was enough to see her on the U. S. U23 team in the offseason and get her a spot high on this big board. Shes not an elite offensive talent in this class but does look like a solid late round investment if she keeps her junior form going. 29. Kristen McNabb 8211 D (CB) 8211 Virginia AKA the other Virginia center-back the past few seasons, McNabb will get a chance to quarterback the Cavaliers backline in 2016 with the graduation of Emily Sonnett. Its been a bit of an uphill climb to this position for McNabb, who missed her true freshman season through injury and came off the bench as a reserve for most of 2013. For the past two seasons though, McNabb has been a force in central defense for a stingy Virginia defense. McNabb wasnt completely recognized for her performances until this past season though, earning All-Region Second Team honors. McNabb has nine combined goals in her two seasons as a starter here, which is an added bonus for any defender, and she certainly isnt shy about pulling the trigger, having had twenty-six shots last season. There are some questions that need answering this season though. McNabb will need to show that shes capable of excelling in her own right after playing on a backline with Sonnett as a center-back partner for two seasons, though if she keeps progressing, her stock could skyrocket. McNabbs also short for a center-back at 55, which might be the major knock against her. Whether its in the middle or out wide though, McNabb figures to get a shot at the next level and recently made her mark at U23 level for the U. S. in the offseason. A bit of a jack-of-all-trades attacker who has had little trouble shredding high mid-major defenses in her three seasons with James Madison. Herndon had been a very good player for the Dukes for her first two seasons with the club who needed to take the next step in order to become a big time draft prospect. Its safe to say after her brilliant 2015 season that Herndon is on many radars now after a breakout junior season. Having scored six goals in each of her first two seasons with JMU, Herndon went off in 2015, scoring fourteen goals (one from the penalty spot) while cutting her shots taken by a good margin. Herndons SOG still could do with a bit of improvement, but her overall efficiency is definitely on the better end of this class marks. With five goals against RPI Top 50 teams and eight against RPI Top 100 sides, Herndons no flat-track bully either. Capable of finishing with her feet or with her head, Herndon seems especially adept at making creeping far post runs to finish off crosses. Herndon herself isnt bad driving in crosses from out wide or playing through balls, so itll be interesting to see where she is lined up at the next level. Having excelled with the Washington Spirit reserves, Herndon seems a natural for the pros and could be a late round steal. 31. Gracie Lachowecki 8211 F (LF, RF) 8211 Miami (FL) You usually see players getting switched from offense to defense and not the other way around at this level, but Lachowecki is a rare and successful exception to the rule. Lachowecki actually was switched to defense as a rookie and was a starter for much of her sophomore season before moving back to offense as a junior. And it worked. Very, very well. Lachowecki ended up with All-ACC Second Team honors, which may well have been an All-American nod considering how hard it is for the lesser teams of the league to get recognized. But Lachowecki did incredibly well for herself considering she was hobbled by injuries and missed a few games over the course of the season. Lachoweckis twelve goals probably wouldnt land her this high on the board normally, but she did so on incredible efficiency numbers (3.25 shots per goal, 61.5 SOG) and scored seven goals against RPI Top 50 teams last season, more than some of the more vaunted prospects in this class like Rachel Hill, McKenzie Meehan, and Murielle Tiernan. There are some red flags though. Lachowecki isnt super fast on tape considering she plays as a winger, and there is a little bit of risk that she may just be a one-season wonder. Well get an answer to that question this season, but if she comes up with another big season in 2016, Lachowecki could be an interesting middle round selection. 32. Marti Corby 8211 MF 8211 Grand Valley State One of the best players in NCAA Division II history, Corby stands a good chance of becoming the first non-Division I player drafted in NWSL history if she maintains the form shown in the first three seasons of her collegiate career. As you might expect from a prospect from a lower division on this list, Corbys numbers are ludicrous, having scored twenty-five goals and added sixteen assists for last seasons Division II champion Grand Valley State team. A two-time Division II Player of the Year, Corby is a heavy favorite to win her third straight personal POTY award come the end of 2016. Its a little difficult to see how Corbys game is going to translate to the highest level considering shes probably going to be a midfielder as a pro and is tasked with doing a lot of scoring at Division II level. Skill on the ball is definitely high and unleashes absolute lasers at goal, including off of free kicks, when given the opportunity. Got an invite to a U. S. U23 camp in the offseason, which bodes well for her odds of at least getting a shot in someones camp. Probably a bit of a developmental project who may need some major minutes in Europe to accelerate her development, but theres definitely upside here for the DII phenomenon. 33. Emma Fletcher 8211 MF (AMC, MC, AMR) 8211 Cal Has experience at youth international level for both New Zealand (at the U17 level) and Canada (at the U20 level). A highly coveted youth prospect, Fletcher began her college career on the other side of the continent with LSU and set the SEC on fire as a freshman. A starter from day one, Fletcher racked up twelve assists and became an instant sensation for the Tigers internationally tinged contingent. It didnt particularly end all that well for Fletcher in Baton Rouge though, as she appeared jaded upon her return from Canadas less than spectacular U20 World Cup in 2014, and it was hardly a surprise that she was out the door at seasons end, transferring to Pac-12 contenders Cal before her junior season. While Fletcher hasnt completely rebuilt her reputation after one season in Berkeley, she did have a much better campaign as a central midfielder for the Golden Bears. Without as much pressure to produce on the stat sheet given the superior talent surrounding her, Fletcher was able to be a steadier presence in the center of the park, even if she only had three assists. But considering her international status, Fletcher may need to be more dynamic as a senior if shes to avoid the fate of many previous very good but not great Canadians come draft day. With her ability and the surrounding talent, you wouldnt count her out from doing just that. 34. Casie Ramsier 8211 MF (AMC) 8211 Auburn Dallas native might be Auburns best player since former NWSLer and club legend Katy Freels. Ramsier has been a fixture in the lineup for the Tigers since day one on the Plains and will be looking to add to Auburns trophy cabinet as a senior. A dynamic attacker leading the midfield charge, Ramsier scored nine goals as a rookie and hasnt really looked back since, though expectations were certainly higher as a junior after a slightly disappointing return in 2014, with Ramsier seeing her goal total drop to four while also adding five assists. She recovered in a big way, not just leading Auburn in scoring but more than doubling the goal total of the next high scorer on the club, a rather incredible feat considering Ramsier isnt a center forward, though that may also underline the Tigers lack of a frontline threat to take pressure off of their star. That pressure probably showed in Ramsiers efficiency numbers, which were rather ghastly, though a bit understandable for a midfielder. Ramsier does tend to strike against the big clubs though. Her seven goals against RPI Top 50 teams last year is tied for second in this class, and that big game ability could turn some heads on draft day, even in this crowded class. 35. Hayley Dowd 8211 F (CF) 8211 Boston College Dowd is just the latest attacking threat from the conveyor belt in Newton that churns out scorers at a frequent rate. While classmate McKenzie Meehan is likely to get most of the draft attention heading into January, Dowds been more than capable of lighting up the stat sheet for the Eagles since stepping foot onto campus as a highly touted recruit. With plenty of attackers already on the roster when Dowd as a freshman, she had to be content with super sub status before really breaking out in 2014 as a starter. As a part of BCs high-octane offense (and with Meehan injured), Dowd went on a scoring frenzy, netting fifteen goals to lead the club and put down a marker for herself as one of the nations most dangerous forwards. The question going into 2015 was how well Dowd would be able to co-exist with Meehan healthy again. The answer Pretty well, even if her numbers declined a bit. Dowd scored four goals against RPI Top 50 teams and seven against Top 100 teams, including goals against ACC powerhouses Duke, Florida State, and Virginia. But shes also an inefficient scorer, with a 35.1 SOG percentage especially troubling. Scorers are a dime-a-dozen in this class, so Dowd may need to round off some of the rough edges in her game to ensure herself of hearing her name called in January. 36. Simone Kolander 8211 F (CF) 8211 Minnesota Stock is surging after a breakout 2015 season for the Golden Gophers. Kolander had definitely shown signs of being a potential star earlier in her career, netting five assists as a rookie before a great sophomore season of five goals and eight assists. Kolander would hit the ground running in 2015 after a stint with the W-Leagues Seattle Sounders, scoring ten goals and winning Big Ten Forward of the Year honors as a junior, a rather unexpected honor for a program that doesnt exactly rake in individual honors all that much. Was impressive in doing almost all of her damage in Big Ten play, with seven of her ten goals coming in the league, including a whopping five match winning goals against league foes, which is incredible considering the Gophers won just six league games in 2015. Her league efficiency mark was great was well, scoring six non-penalty goals on twenty-six shots and putting a ridiculous 63 of her shots on frame. A towering forward at 511, Kolander will be tipped for another big season in 2016 and could climb further up this list if she keeps scoring, which will be important for her stock considering how packed this class is with scoring options. 37. Margaret Midge Purce 8211 F (RF, CF) 8211 Harvard It might be an eye of the beholder thing with Purce, who might be a divisive prospect come draft day. Massive things were expected of Purce upon reaching the college ranks considering a glittering pedigree, and though it was a bit odd to see such a prized prospect heading to Harvard when bigger schools were in the frame, she was still likely seen as a player who could potentially put the Crimson over the top after so many years of being so close. Three years in, and its not gone quite to plan for either club or player. Purces stock plummeted after a poor U20 World Cup in 2014, and its not completely recovered since the U. S. debacle in Canada. Goal total as a junior declined to just nine in 2015 and Purce needed eighty-eight shots to score those goals and put just 37.5 of her shots on target with most of the damage being done in the second half of the season against overmatched opposition. And yet Purce looks pretty damn good when you view footage of her juking defenders out of their boots with the U. S. U23 team this past offseason. Purce probably needs patience and a right fit at the next level to really flourish. But unfortunately, I think shes a candidate to be taken a few rounds too early in January, though a big senior season could ease those fears. 38. Candace Cephers 8211 MF (DMC) 8211 Virginia Tech Ruthless, uncompromising hammer in midfield is a great representative of the ethos of Virginia Techs hard nosed style. Cephers won a starting role early in her Hokies career in the year of the clubs dream run to the College Cup and has started every match but one in the two seasons since for the Hokies. The midfielder would arguably do her best work as a sophomore, shielding a tenacious defense and scoring six goals to show the evolution of her game. Cephers would net six more as a junior, with some of those strikes coming against the likes of Georgetown and Clemson in 2015. Her shooting can be a bit wayward at times, but Cephers is probably going to be looked at more as a pure defensive option at the next level, with any goals a bonus. Her stock sagged a bit as the Hokies didnt live up to expectations in 2015, but a rebound season could send her stock soaring back into middle round territory. Cephers definitely has the size and strength to compete at the next level, but is she dynamic enough to stick Virginia Tech alums have done well for themselves in the pros thus far, albeit with a small sample size, so the big midfielder certainly has a shot of making it if she continues to excel. 39. Ashton McKeown 8211 GK 8211 Long Beach State Likely the best goalkeeper youve never heard of unless youre an aficionado of soccer on the west coast, McKeown looks like one of the sleepers of this class. A bit of a raw prospect coming out of club ball with the powerhouse So Cal Blues organization, McKeown sat and learned for much of her freshman season here before turning into a revelation for the Beach in her second season with the club. McKeown won just about all that she could in terms of individual awards in 2014 and established herself as one of the regions best netminders in a huge season for LBSU. Odds were, McKeown would have repeated with most of those honors had she not been sidelined by a shoulder injury for a handful of games in the middle of the season. She still reeled in All-Big West second team honors, a nice award given the quality of the league, and is still set for a big senior season for the always dangerous 49ers. Stands at 59 but plays much bigger and is a long, commanding presence in the box. Athletic enough to make the big saves when needed and has shined against tough opposition when given the chance. McKeown may not be on a lot of radars going into 2016, but she could be one of the best keepers from this class when all is said and done. 40. Meggie Dougherty Howard 8211 MF (CM) 8211 Florida A constant in the lineup in the defensive band of midfield in Floridas 4-2-3-1 over the past three seasons. Dougherty Howard won a starting spot early in her rookie season with Florida in 2013 and hasnt relinquished the role since. A rather quiet presence in the middle of the park her first two seasons with the Gators, Dougherty Howard enjoyed a breakout season in 2015 that really started before the season proper when she won a W-League title with the Washington Spirit Reserves and played like one of the defunct leagues best players in its final season. That form certainly translated to the college season when Dougherty Howard dished out eight assists to go with three goals in a strong offensive season for Florida. Capable with her shot from distance, Dougherty Howard could be an interesting playmaker in demand if she can keep the assists coming as a senior. The big worry is that Dougherty Howard could just be a product of Floridas system, which churns out players who dominate in college but amount to little at professional level, a problem which has been seen repeatedly for the defensive midfielders for the Gators for some time now. Regardless, shell probably get a shot somewhere in 2017, and a strong senior season could drive her towards the middle rounds. 41. Mimi Rangel 8211 MF (AMC) 8211 Long Beach State The Beach have been one of the wests top mid-majors for a while now, and players like Rangel have been big contributors to that success. Making an immediate impression as a rookie with five goals and four assists, Rangel was the Big West Freshman of the Year and earned all-league First Team honors, a rarity for freshmen in power mid-majors. While Rangel hasnt busted out and become a superstar as some might have expected, shes still be a very good player for the 49ers and has helped make them a constant threat for Big West silverware. Rangel followed up her rookie year with a three goal, six assist season that earned her Midfielder of the Year honors in the league which set the table for a potentially big 2015. Rangel slipped a bit though, with her goal total dipping to just two, with one of those coming from the spot, while notching five assists. Rangel still has a chance of being the rare player to win All-League first team honors all four seasons of her collegiate career, though her ceiling might be a bit lower than expected after her brilliant rookie season. Shes a bit undersized at 52, but shell be battle tested coming into the next level with LBSU having played tough schedules all throughout her four years there. If she comes up big as a senior, Rangel could be an intriguing late round sleeper in January. 42. Elena Medeiros 8211 MF (CM) 8211 BYU Another in the cache of offensive weapons BYU has at their disposal, Medeiros has gone from a rookie who struggled for minutes in the Cougar lineup to an invaluable member of a potent midfield. After that freshman season, the Utah native battled her way into the starting lineup and repaid the faith shown with five goals and seven assists, being a key conduit in the middle of the park during BYUs long winning streak in 2014. While Medeiros assist total dipped markedly to just one as a junior, she upped her goal total to eight, including tallies in wins over Pac-12 sides Cal and Colorado. Medeiros efficiency numbers arent that great, at just over 7.00 shots per goal and well under 50 on her shots on goal percentage, but she probably wouldnt need to do that much shooting at the next level at any rate if shes going to be a central midfielder. At the same time, getting her assist total back up to a healthy level might be something key to her draft stock in 2016. Like all BYU seniors, a run to the College Cup or close to it would be a big boost going into January. The talent is there, and if BYU gets to the last weekend of the season, odds are, Medeiros will have played a big role in that run. 43. Rachel Boaz 8211 GK 8211 BYU Boazs story could probably take up this entire profile, so Ill try to be brief. The Californian missed her true freshman season after getting hit by a motorcycle and ending up in the hospital but recovered to be a pillar of strength in goal, helping San Diego State to twenty-one wins in 2012s stunning season. Boaz then left SDSU, completed a Mormon mission, and transferred to BYU ahead of the 2015 season. Its safe to say that Boaz, well regarded at SDSU, is still a quality keeper, as she won WCC Goalkeeper of the Year honors last season and was a part of another powerhouse BYU squad. Behind a backline without any real superstars in 2015, Boaz was a calming veteran presence that was a very talented last line of defense for the Cougars, made all the more impressive considering it was her first season with the club. Big things are expected of BYU with so much talent returning in 2016, and a netminder like Boaz could be a key in the club finally getting to a much coveted College Cup. If Boaz maintains and improves upon her form shes shown in three collegiate seasons, she stands a good chance of getting a look at the next level, even if she will likely be a few years older than most of the other prospects. 44. Tabby Tindell 8211 F (CF) 8211 Florida Gulf Coast Florida Gulf Coasts been formidable for a while in DI, but theyve only truly hit a new level since the rise of Tindell, who has been a scoring terror for the Eagles the past three seasons. Fifteen goals as a freshman was a marvelous debut for Tindell, and shes promptly followed it up with thirty-seven combined goals in the two following seasons, including seventeen last year to go with ten assists. Tindells proven to be solid efficiency-wise, with five shots per non-penalty goal last season while putting an absurd 67.5 of shots on frame. The big question is if the Eagles forward can do it consistently against top level teams. The evidence from last year doesnt exactly speak in her favor. While Tindell did score a goal and had an assist against Cal State Fullerton, her other forays with top teams werent so pleasant. Against Ole Miss, West Virginia, South Florida, and Duke, Tindell didnt just go without an assist or goal, but the forward had one shot on goal combined in those four matches. It could potentially be a case of needing to flourish in an environment surrounded by pro level players, but if Tindell cant find her scoring touch against top teams as a senior, she might not make it above late-round flyer status. 45. Jaycie Johnson 8211 F (CF), D (FB) 8211 Nebraska Its been a bit of a star-crossed existence for Johnson since she busted onto the scene with one of the finest rookie seasons in recent memory. That year, Johnson was a big part of Nebraskas shock double in the Big Ten, scoring seventeen goals on seventy-seven shots and looking every bit like a future star at this level. Its not been the same since. Few would argue that an eleven goal season could be seen as a failure, but Johnsons sophomore season was a bit disappointing after that 2013. Last year was quite forgettable as well, as Johnson scored just three goals in nine matches before seeing her season end prematurely with a torn ACL. Said injury raises a whole new litany of concerns on Johnsons profile other than her eroding scoring form, and proving she can still go at a high level after that major injury will obviously be key to her draft status. Johnson has U23 experience with the U. S. and theres been talk of her being converted to full-back, which could be her ticket to a spot at the next level. Nebraska really needs Johnson to be on form to challenge for the postseason, so seeing how she copes with the spotlight in her final collegiate season could tell the story of her draft stock next January. 46. Brooke Sharp 8211 F (AML, AMR) 8211 Florida Sharp came from out of nowhere to turn into a legitimate scoring option for the Gators, who were probably thankful to not have all of the scoring load placed upon Savannah Jordans shoulders. It was hardly something that could have been foreseen, as Sharp had scored just five goals combined in her first two seasons with the Gators and was just a spot starter, even as a sophomore. But Sharp started scoring early as a junior and didnt stop, netting eleven goals and four assists in 2015 while starting every match for Florida as a part of the attacking band of midfielders in the clubs 4-2-3-1 formation. Though she couldnt match Jordans raw numbers or efficiency, Sharp was still a damn good second option, needing just five shots per goal, putting over 56 of her shots on target and scoring six times against RPI Top 100 teams. Now, the trick is to prove she isnt a one-hit wonder, as a down season in 2016 could have some believing that 2015 was just an outlier for the Gator attacker. UF has been very hit or miss for NWSL clubs in their search for next-level prospects, so Sharp really needs a big season to fortify her draft stock going into 2017s draft, especially given the overall strength of attackers in this class. 47. Allison Wetherington 8211 MF (RM, AMC) 8211 Portland Its not quite gone to plan for either Wetherington or her Portland side, who have both slipped from prominence in quite a precipitous fashion over the past three seasons. Wetherington entered the college ranks as one of her class prized recruits and a player expected to help keep the Pilots on top of the WCC and another potential pro churned out from a very active pipeline in Portland. However, Wetherington has merely been good for the Pilots, and thats not been good enough to keep Portland on top of the pile in the WCC more often than not. A former WCC Freshman of the Year, Wetherington was still excellent as a sophomore but seems to be spinning her wheels at the moment and may have even regressed after just an above average 2015 for the former national champion Pilots. She still produced on the stat sheet with three goals and five assists, but it was hardly the breakthrough season needed or expected for the Pilots. A pure wide midfield candidate at the next level, Wetherington faces a crucial season as a senior for Portland. If she excels and helps her side up the WCC pecking order, she might be a savvy late round pick in January. If not, she might slip from the draft radar altogether. 48. Diana Poulin 8211 GK 8211 Saint John8217s (NY) Almost all of the attention for Saint Johns (NY)s rise to prominence in the Big East has generally been focused towards the clubs English imports, Rachel Daly and Georgia Kearney-Perry, but many of the programs domestic players, like Poulin, have been just as vital. Whereas Daly has supplied the goals, Poulin has been a key figure in keeping them out the past three seasons for the Red Storm. Poulin impressed right away as a rookie in 2013 and has progressed rapidly since that point, winning league Goalkeeper of the Year honors two seasons running, something that was very impressive last season considering she ceded about four hundred minutes to backup Katie DeVault, herself a very talented netminder. Poulins performance for the Red Storm caught the attention of the U. S. hierarchy, letting her get called up to a U23 camp in the offseason and surely putting her on the radar of NWSL teams going forward. It will be interesting to see if Poulins play stays at a superior level in what could be a transition season for her club after some big losses. If she can keep pushing on, Poulin could be a potential late round selection in Januarys draft. You probably are familiar with Kashimotos story by this point. The former captain of the Japan U17 team, Kashimoto worked diligently to get eligible in DI and ended up at Butler of all places, helping the Bulldogs to their stirring run to the Big East Tournament title last year. The Japanese youth international took a little while to settle in at this level but has since turned into one of the regions best midfielders and undoubtedly one of the best to ever pull on a shirt for Butler. Standing at just 53, Kashimoto played center-back for Japan but was used in a more offensive role for the Bulldogs, no doubt due to her technical proficiency. A wizard with the ball at her feet in tight spaces, Kashimoto has made overmatched defenders look silly with her close control for three years. Shes also a great distributor, including from out wide and on set pieces, meaning a role as a full-back or winger isnt out of the question. Kashimoto doesnt possess A-level athleticism though, and when the game got sped up against some of Butlers better opponents, she receded into the background a bit. That might make her a less than ideal fit in the NWSL, but shell be in demand elsewhere in international leagues that are more focused on technical ability. 50. Carol Rodrigues 8211 F (CF) 8211 UCF Brazilian is perhaps most well known for her bicycle kick against Tulsa last season that drew attention from national highlight shows. Former youth international is the rare player to make a successful step up from the junior college ranks to a major conference program, giving UCF a serious attacking threat in 2015 after two productive seasons with Monroe Junior College, including the winning goal for Monroe in the JUCO DI final in 2014. Any questions over Rodrigues ability to make the step up to DI proper were answered positively, as the Brazilian started every match and was AAC co-Offensive Player of the Year with eleven goals and six assists. Rodrigues shots per goal numbers are solid, though her SOG of just 47.2 could use some improvement. With nine goals against RPI Top 100 teams, Rodrigues also has the power to be a factor against this divisions top teams as well. Why isnt she higher Because there might be some questions over her ability to handle the pace of the professional game. The Brazilian certainly knows what to do with the ball when she gets it within sight of goal, but shes also a bit plodding going forward. Definitely not for every system but may have a professional future somewhere. 51. Emily Armstrong 8211 GK 8211 UConn Armstrong might be the one who got away for Boston College, who had the keeper on their books in 2012 but did not use her, with the netminder transferring to regional rival UConn right after that season and has been a revelation in goal for the Huskies ever since. Armstrong won the starting spot right away as a redshirt freshman, and after a time split with Allison Saucier a season later, has reclaimed the job full-time. Armstrong really had a star turn in the 2014 AAC Tournament, where she was a rock in goal, helping the Huskies to silverware with a strong display in goal in the competition. She didnt look back as a junior, winning league Goalkeeper of the Year honors after another fantastic season between the pipes for the Huskies. Usually working with a very secure set of hands, Armstrong is still capable of making acrobatic saves and has a rocket for a leg, especially on punts. The Husky keeper still could get a bit better in the air for someone her size, but the upside is definitely there. The GK hierarchy in this class is wide open after the top two, so itd hardly be a surprise to hear Armstrongs name called in January if she impresses in 2016. 52. Josee Stiever 8211 MF (CM) 8211 Minnesota A big part of Minnesotas midfield over the past three seasons, Stievers been a little bit overlooked nationally but could be bound for a big 2016 for the Golden Gophers. Stiever really began to show what she was capable of as a sophomore in 2014, tallying up five goals and five assists for Minnesota, including some big contributions in league play in the Big Ten. Stievers numbers would dip a little bit as a junior but only slightly, with the midfielder still managing four goals and four assists on the season, again doing much of her damage on the stat sheet in league play for Minnesota. The Gophers have traditionally been known as a blue collar, hard working team thats been more than the sum of its parts, a tradition that Stiever has definitely kept going from her central midfield position the past three years. Minnesota could surprise a few teams in the Big Ten this upcoming season given some of the talent they have coming back, and Stiever could be a big part of that run. Shes not the most dynamic midfielder in this class, but Stiever should still be worthy of a look from some NWSL club next Spring. 53. Morgan Proffitt 8211 D (CB) 8211 Marquette Towering center-back got a little more recognition this offseason after being named to the U. S. U23s Nordic Cup team in June after a strong junior season for Marquette in 2015. It was a just reward for a player thats experienced a steady rise in profile after making a pretty solid impression early on in her Marquette career, starting twenty-two matches as a rookie for the Big East contenders. Its been all an upward arc for Proffitt since, with the central defender firmly staking her claim as one of the leagues best defenders this past season. Proffitt also made her presence felt at the other end of the pitch as a junior, scoring three times on twenty-three shots after two combined goals her first two seasons. Marquettes struggles probably hamstrung Proffitts stock a little bit, as the Golden Eagles endured an atypically mediocre season considering their pedigree, but the center-back was one of the few outstanding performers on the season for the Big East side. There are some questions as to whether Proffitt has the pace to keep up with next level forwards, but another strong season in defense should ensure she at least gets the chance to prove she can. Little playmaker out of New Jersey has been at the forefront of Clemsons journey out of the dregs of DI over the past three seasons. Atanda showed potential as a spot starter as a rookie but really began to come into her own as a sophomore, starting seventeen matches and leading the club in scoring with nine goals, despite not technically being a forward. Atanda would lead Clemson yet again in scoring last season, tying for the team lead with five goals, but she did so taking fifty-nine shots, which definitely wasnt a positive. Its unlikely a pro team will be leaning on Atanda for goals that much, but Clemson is stuck needing her to shoot early and often due to their lack of offensive punch overall. Atandas got a solid range of passing and is more than capable of delivering long balls over the top of the backline or weighting them to split defenders. Possesses quick feet and is solid in tight spaces but not explosively fast, which could be an issue at the next level. Has a cannon of a shot from distance and often puts it to good use. Atanda could be a big mover if Clemson has a big season as expected, but we might not know more about her pro potential if the Tigers keep having to lean on her for goals in 2016. 55. Meghan Cox 8211 D (RB) 8211 Virginia Virginia has a history of producing talented full-backs, and Cox looks most likely to be the next on the list come next January. The Springfield native took an interesting road to get to this point though, having begun her career at local mid-major James Madison as a freshman and looking like a future star before transferring to the Cavs. Those afraid that it was going to be a giant step up neednt have worried too much, as Cox was a spot starter at UVA as a sophomore and notched four goals and three assists for her troubles in 2014. While Cox would be hobbled by injury a bit in ACC play last year, the right-back still started eighteen games and again showed shes one of the most dangerous full-backs in DI going forward by scoring five goals and adding five assists for Virginia. That scoring display included a hat-trick against UNC Wilmington in August, a very impressive accomplishment considering UNCWs season overall. Cox may be flying under the radar a bit compared to some of UVAs other prospects, but with full-backs always in demand, she should have every chance to work her way into draft consideration this season. 56. Ellie Boon 8211 D (LB) 8211 Portland This degree of anonymity probably isnt what Boon had in mind upon signing for the Pilots, but her profile hasnt exactly been raised by her sides fall into relative obscurity over the past half-decade. A big left-back with prototypical size for the position at the next level (58), Boons plied her trade with the Pilots well enough for the past three seasons in Portland. Shed be a starter for most of her first two seasons with the club, being interrupted by injury a bit but still looking like a crucial piece for success when healthy and on form. There were no such interruptions as a junior for Boon, and she finished with four assists, including two in the thrilling win over Marquette, starting every game in 2015 for the Pilots. Boon would enjoy her best season defensively as well, being the best member of a rearguard that held WCC foes to under a goal a game in league play. How high Boon rises on this board probably depends to some extent if Portland can turn it around this year, but left-backs are a golden commodity at the next level, which certainly should ensure that she at least gets a look in camp from some interested NWSL team. 57. Celia Jimenez Delgado 8211 D (RB), MF (RM) 8211 Alabama You dont exactly expect to find full internationals from European nations in Tuscaloosa, but thats what Alabama has in Delgado, a player already well entrenched with the Spanish WNT. Its not exactly been an easy path to the SEC for Delgado though, as she spent a few years scraping by at JUCO powerhouse Iowa Western Community College, taking up a proactive scoring role for the school against meagre competition. Delgado ended up playing a much more defensive role, of course, with Spain in Canada last year, functioning as the right-back for the ultimately disappointing Spaniards in that campaign. Back in Alabama for her first season of DI ball, Delgado shifted back into a more proactive offensive role in the midfield for a Crimson Tide side that was desperate for some attacking spark. The good news for Delgado is that she ended up leading the team in goals and shots as a junior. The bad news is that meant four goals on fifty-five shots, and you wonder if being shoehorned into an offensive savior role is going to benefit the Spaniards professional career in the long run. It remains to be seen whether Delgado is used more defensively this year, but shell still be likely to find a professional home in Europe, at any rate. 58. Lauren Miller 8211 F, MF 8211 North Dakota State Miller was probably the best recruit to ever come North Dakota States way, and she certainly has exceeded the hype in three brilliant seasons for the Bison thus far. After two tantalizing seasons where Miller put up nineteen goals and eight assists combined, the NDSU attacker truly made The Leap in 2015, when she obliterated defenses to the tune of eighteen goals while also netting five assists for the Bison. Miller didnt even need one hundred shots to tally those eighteen goals, though she could have used a better SOG , having put just 46.8 of her shots on frame. Astonishingly, Miller managed a shot on goal in all twenty of the Bisons matches in 2015, which isnt exactly something to scoff at considering NDSU played three major conference opponents last season. She even netted against Wisconsin and Iowa State, though continuing to prove she can do it against top opposition could be key to her draft stock. Miller could be moved back into an attacking midfield role at the next level, though given her scoring aptitude, remaining at forward isnt out of the question. Regardless, Miller should be on everyones radar coming into the new season and could be a late round steal for someone in January. 59. Malcanisha Kelley 8211 F 8211 Samford A 510, unsubtle tower of power who could be a dark horse to fill someones target forward needs come 2017. Kelley and South African Jermaine Seoposenwe have formed one of DIs most feared attacking duos the past few years, and the Alabama native Kelley looks like a legitimate prospect for the professional level given her body of work thus far. Kelley had definitely shown flashes of real potential in her first two seasons with the Bulldogs, but it wouldnt be until 2015 where she really took the next step. For the first time in her collegiate career, Kelley reached double figures in goals, scoring thirteen for the Bulldogs. It wasnt just against SoCon defenses either, as she hit South Alabama for two and helped destroy Memphis with two goals and two assists. Shed also assist on the clubs goal against Duke, revealing more than a small amount of potential, with just three of twenty opponents able to keep her without a shot on goal all season. Kelleys efficiency numbers were phenomenal for a first option, so it may just be a matter of showing she can do it consistently at the next level against top opposition. Even if Kelley doesnt make it right away in the NWSL, the possibility of some lucrative chances abroad should definitely be in play as well. 60. Gabby Byorth 8211 D (RB) 8211 Clemson Expect many a Clemson senior to show up on this board proper after the season, as theyll be a dark horse for the College Cup, and the Tiger backline (plus goalkeeper Kailen Sheridan) are a big reason why. Byorth has been a constant in the rearguard for Clemson since stepping onto campus in 2013 and has been a starter here at right-back from day one. The full-back hasnt posted overwhelming numbers in the assist category during her three seasons, but with nine in three seasons, she hasnt been totally silent in that regard either, though she managed just a pair last season for the Tigers. Truthfully, Byorth probably made more of an impression during Clemsons solid 2014 campaign than last year, but she and sister Emily still snagged invites to U. S. U23 camp in the offseason, which should keep her on the radar at least for January, provided she and her team meets high expectations this coming season. Full-backs are always in demand at the next level, especially those that survive the crucible of the ACC, so Byorth could yet sneak into the later rounds of the draft next year. 61. Darian Jenkins 8211 F (LF, CF) 8211 UCLA Its all gone wrong for Jenkins, who was a star in the making after a rookie season where her eleven goals and five assists were a big reason why the Bruins claimed their first national title under manager Amanda Cromwell. The bar was set pretty high for Jenkins going forward, but the towering forward has struggled to meet those lofty expectations in the two seasons since, netting just eleven goals combined in the past two seasons. Jenkins got off to a slow start last season, netting just once in the clubs first ten matches and going through an eight match scoring drought before seemingly catching lightning in a bottle and scoring twice against Washington State, once against Arizona, and once against Oregon State. But that four goal outburst would be it for Jenkins, who didnt score in the clubs last five matches, finishing with five goals total. Niggling injuries have not helped Jenkins cause, but its been pretty clear that the Utah products career has stagnated at this point. Itll be tough to move up this board considering the amount of attacking talent in it, but a big senior season could at least see Jenkins move towards the later rounds. The influx of freshman talent in Westwood could open up some opportunities for Jenkins if they draw some attention awayor it might simply push Jenkins out of the equation entirely if she cant find her scoring form. 62. Hannah Wilkinson 8211 F 8211 Tennessee The hype train on Wilkinson has effectively been derailed by this point for a variety of reasons. The most prominent of those has to be the ACL injury Wilkinson suffered in preseason last year for Tennessee that ended her senior season before it began and effectively scuttled the Vols hopes of a big season right off the bat. The New Zealand native has returned to action at international level recently and should be on her nations Olympic roster come August though, which is a positive sign. But even if you believe that Wilkinson is going to be healthy in the long-term, there are still plenty of red flags to be wary of. Shell potentially be the oldest prospect in next years draft class and will be twenty-five years old early in the 2017 NWSL season, meaning her ceiling is limited, and Wilkinson may not improve much from what she is right now. Her international status is also going to be a hindrance, as clubs havent been willing to use those slots for anyone but blue chip college talents, of which Wilkinson is not at this point. But most importantly, Wilkinsons just not proven herself to be an elite forward at college level. Shes shown she can score against big clubs but has also been prone to prolonged scoring droughts and hasnt topped nine goals in any of her three collegiate seasons thus far and did not play well in last years Womens World Cup for New Zealand. Given her physical talents, Wilkinson should dominate college defenses but hasnt put it together as of yet. She still has one season to do so, but as of now, she doesnt look close to being a top-tier forward in this class. 63. Lindsay Agnew 8211 F (RF) 8211 Ohio State Canadian-American attacker has been a frustrating enigma for three seasons in Columbus on OSUs frontline. A highly sought after recruit coming into college and U20 international for Canada, Agnews shown signs of rounding into a scoring force at this level but has flattered to deceive in the end for much of her stay with OSU. After a stop-start beginning to her career due to injury as a rookie, big things were expected in 2014, but Agnew sagged with just one goal and three assists despite starting eighteen matches. Her stock at an all-time low, Agnew rebounded somewhat last season with four goals and seven assists, including doing some damage against many of OSUs Big Ten rivals. Agnew can be a magician on the ball when shes feeling it and is a great 1v1 artist but also can drift into black hole territory, where she stops the ball and tries to do too much herself. Its unlikely shell put up huge numbers in 2016 with Nichelle Prince such a huge focus of the offense, but Agnew still might improve a little bit on her junior season on the stat sheet. Agnew has boom or bust written all over her, but the right coaching could draw some of that potential out after shes tempted observers for so long. Undersized center-back has been a solid anchor for the Gophers in the middle of defense for three seasons. Got her feet wet in defense as a rookie but only really started to come around a season later before getting her big breakthrough this past season. Has rounded into one of the regions best defenders after last seasons breakout year at center-back. Not explosively fast in central defense despite quick feet but makes up for it with smart positioning to frustrate faster forwards and is deceptively difficult to knock off the ball despite her size. Doesnt seem to be exceptionally overpowering in the air, which could be an issue if she stays at center-back at the next level. Comfortable with the ball at her feet and willing to dribble forward into the attack, though she hasnt added much on the stat sheet offensively in her three seasons thus far with the Golden Gophers. Production and potential there, but shes surely too short (54) for central defense at the next level, meaning she may be a long-term project at either full-back or central midfield in the pros for some enterprising franchise. 65. Chelsea Drennan 8211 MF (CM) 8211 South Carolina Quick, name the active career leader in assists heading into the 2016 NCAA season. Im going to guess that most outside of Columbia or SEC country would fail to register that Drennan enters this upcoming season with that honor having racked up twenty-nine assists in three seasons for the Gamecocks, five more than anyone else returning in Division I. The midfielder has already staked a claim for herself as one of SCs best all-time players and looks likely to own every assist record in Carolinas record book if she performs to her best standard as a senior. Amazingly, her ten assists in 2015 arent even a career high, as she marked her first season at this level in 2013 with a whopping twelve assists, one short of the best in program history for a single season. Drennans not particularly likely to get involved in the scoring herself though, with just five goals in three seasons here despite taking a fair amount of shots, and you wonder if shes dynamic enough in the middle of the park to make it as a pro. Regardless, that level of production in terms of assists should ensure that Drennan at least gets a look from someone at the next level. 66. Megan Turner 8211 MF 8211 Stanford Reserves dont generally make a dent in these big boards, even if they extend all the way to a Top 100. But exceptions are made for the rare player at powerhouse programs like Stanford, who may have a real diamond in the rough in the form of Turner. A key reserve as a rookie, Turner ended up working her way into the starting lineup as a sophomore and was a key figure in the lineup by the time the NCAA Tournament rolled around. An influx in midfield rookie talent meant that Turner was relegated to a reserve role last year, but something clicked with the Danville native, with the midfielder playing an important part in keeping the midfield ticking over when the starters came off the pitch. Her experience was also a boost considering Turner started all of the clubs NCAA Tournament matches once more, with Paul Ratcliffe opting for the battle tested player to fortify his lineup. She more than repaid that faith with a goal and an assist in the win over Arizona in the Sweet Sixteen. Turners never going to burn up the stat sheet, but her experience and pedigree makes her an intriguing prospect that looks like someone who might get a camp invite from an NWSL club and who could stick around a while if given a chance. 67. Summer Clarke 8211 F (CF) 8211 LSU Clarke may have gotten back into the Canadian WNTs good graces after a rocky relationship in the past, but Im not particularly sold on the LSU forward. Clarke made a big impression as a rookie here, scoring ten goals for the Tigers but doing it against the dregs of LSUs schedule for the most part and has struggled to take the next step towards stardom. Whats followed has been two seven goal seasons where Clarke has faded as the weathers turned frosty, including a junior season that started with a ton of potential, the Canadian scoring her seven goals in the clubs first ten matches. But Clarke then proceeded to not score in LSUs last thirteen matches and only had four shots on goal in that span, perhaps making her All-SEC second team honors a bit of a mystery. Being hobbled by injury that cost Clarke three games late in the season didnt help her cause either. Some might argue that Clarkes been overshadowed by teammate Jorian Baucom in recent seasons, but Clarke will have to play much better as a senior to stick on draft boards. Impressing on her senior WNT debut in the offseason should be a confidence booster, but its difficult seeing her allocated anywhere in the NWSL by Canada if she cant make a quantum leap in production considering the bounds of young talent her country has coming out in this draft that may be ahead of her on the pecking order. 68. Carlotta Fennefoss 8211 D (CB, LB) 8211 South Florida The former captain of the Norwegian U20 team shocked pretty much everyone when she ended up at a then downtrodden Lipscomb program before the 2013 season. It was hardly a surprise that Fennefoss proved to be far too good for that level of football, dominating A-Sun opponents defensively and turning into one of the best players in program history despite spending just two seasons in Nashville. Fennefoss was always likely to need a move to a bigger club to truly flourish and move towards her potential, so it was hardly shocking to see her move to South Florida before her junior season, with USF an always popular spot for internationals. What was a bit surprising was Fennefoss moving away from her usual center-back role into a left-back role for the Bulls, something that wasnt exactly conventional considering Fennefoss stands at a massive 510. She looked like a center-back playing left-back at times, though her presence was sorely missed when she was stricken with injury in the clubs loss to Cincinnati in last seasons AAC Tournament final. The Norwegian will probably be back off to Europe after this season, and if she impresses, it may not be too long until Fennefoss finds herself in the mix for her country at full international level. 69. Hope Sabadash 8211 GK 8211 Southeastern Louisiana Sabadash looks to be the winner of this draft class Best Goalkeeper Youve Never Heard Of award. Of course, the Canadian probably is a little bit better known than your typical small school prospect, as shes fresh off a second team All-American junior season with the tiny Lions of Southeastern Louisiana. Sabadash was a phenomenon early on for SELA, taking the starting job as a rookie and doing her part in front of a sometimes porous backline to help get her club to the NCAA Tournament. Sabadashs sophomore season would be a little less noteworthy, but she returned with a vengeance last season in helping SELA back to the NCAA Tournament while raking in no shortage of individual honors for herself. The question though is if Sabadash can play at a high level consistently considering few would accuse the Lions of scheduling the roughest non-conference schedule, meaning the Canadian is mostly untested against the best at this level. Combine that with her status as an international, and it doesnt seem too likely Sabadash will be gracing the NWSL next season. But multiple Canadian keepers have been welcomed abroad in Europe, and that could be an achievable path if Sabadash continues to play like one of the nations best keepers, as she has for three seasons with SELA. 70. Brie Hooks 8211 F (RF, LF) 8211 Seattle University An enigma whos down to her last chance to prove she can fulfill much of the promise she began her collegiate career with. Hooks was an instant sensation for Colorado as a rookie, scoring twice in her collegiate debut and not looking back, scoring eight goals and getting a cup of coffee at U20 level for the U. S. Hooks also was impressive as a sophomore, matching her earlier goal total with eight and adding six assists to the cause. But Hooks suffered as much as anyone last season on an underachieving Colorado side, scoring just five goals, with one of those strikes coming from the penalty spot. Worse yet, she needed sixty-six shots to do that damage, also putting less than 45 of her shots on frame. While Hooks started out 2015 decently, she scored just once in the league, and it was hardly a surprise that she was one of the Buffs to depart after the calamitous season. However, it was an eyebrow raiser that Hooks transferred to Seattle University, closer to her home but a big step down in terms of competition. Hooks will probably have to light the WAC up to get back on the radar of many teams following a down junior season, and it still might be an uphill climb in the end. 71. Sammy Jo Prudhomme 8211 GK 8211 USC Trojans goalkeeper has taken the circuitous route to get here, but shell be in the spotlight in 2016 as USC aims to return to the College Cup. Prudhomme started out her career north of Los Angeles with Pac-12 rival Oregon State, winning the bulk of the minutes early in her career with the Beavers and looking like one of the nations best young goalkeepers after a strong rookie season. Shed be stuck behind a porous defense a season later though and hopped off the sinking ship in Corvallis after the 2014 season, moving closer to home with the Trojans but at the price of being forced to sit out 2014 as an in-conference transfer. Prudhomme would show she was worth the wait in 2015 though, as she stabilized the goalkeeping position in Los Angeles and was a strong last line of defense for a stingy USC side. Has good size and is usually a pair of safe hands, capable of making some spectacular saves in goal. Decision making coming off her line was not particularly pretty to watch at times as a junior and must get better for Prudhomme to be a viable option at the next level. Figures to get a shot somewhere, either as a developmental backup in the NWSL or as a coveted free agent in Europe. 72. Michele Vasconcelos 8211 F (RF) 8211 BYU All-action winger will be a big part of BYUs push towards the College Cup as a fifth-year senior in 2016. Vasconcelos looked like the next big superstar for the Cougars after a rookie season that ended with WCC Freshman of the Year honors following eight goals and seven assists for the Provo powerhouse. The road would not get easier from Vasconcelos after that though, as she suffered a serious injury early in 2013 that cost her almost all of that season. Vasconcelos would return with a vengeance a season later in 2014 and racked up six goals and six assists as she sought to reestablish herself as an important component for the Cougar attack. Shed do as such against last year, but her numbers sunk to career lows, with just three goals and three assists, with those three goals coming against some of BYUs worst competition of the season. Vasconcelos still was dangerous, but her efficiency rate was alarmingly poor, with those goals coming on sixty-one shots. BYUs spoilt for choice offensively, which certainly means theres not going to be huge pressure for the winger to do it all on her own, but her draft stock will likely depend on reversing the trend of declining production on the stat sheet as Vasconcelos tries to finish her college career on a bright note. 73. Kaitlyn Johnson 8211 F (CF) 8211 Washington State Likely the leading conduit of offense on a traditionally goal shy Washington State side. Johnson hadnt shown much in front of goal going into the 2015 season, having netted just once as a rookie and then three times one season later in 2014. Johnsons junior season was a big one though, as she scored seven times and added six assists, both tops on the WSU squad. Its hard to quibble with Johnsons efficiency numbers, but closer inspection of her scoring record shows that she did at times struggle to make an impression against the likes of USC, Cal, and Northwestern. Johnson did score against Cal State Fullerton and Washington, so the ability is there, but the consistency needs a bit of fine tuning going into her senior season here. A center-forward in WSUs 4-2-2-2 system, its unlikely Johnson is big enough at 53 to fulfill the same role in a pro system. Itd be nice to see if Johnson could function with the same type of potential on the wing, a likely role at the next level, but WSU doesnt figure to change their stripes any time soon. Faces intense competition at forward in this class, so hitting double digits in goals as a senior could be key to draft status. 74. Jessica Nakae 8211 MF 8211 San Francisco Nakae, like her San Francisco teammates, had a breakout season in 2015, though, to be truthful, the Torrance native has been pretty good for a mostly out of mind USF team for a while now. Immediately in the mix for a starting spot for the Dons, Nakae would truly show what she was made of as a sophomore in establishing herself as one of the leagues best midfielders and the first player at San Francisco to win first team All-League honors in almost two decades. Still largely off the radar due to a lack of success for her club going into 2015, Nakae was a big reason why USF nearly won the WCC title last year, having a phenomenal third season for the northern California club. Two goals and three assists may not sound like much, but considering one of those goals was the winner in the 2-1 victory over BYU, its clear that Nakae plays much bigger than her line on the stat sheet. A bit undersized at 52, Nakae is still a player to watch going into her senior season, and if she gets USF to the NCAA Tournament at long last, she could be one of this boards big risers going into Januarys draft. 75. Julie Vass 8211 MF (DMC) 8211 Santa Clara English youth international had a star turn as a junior for the Broncos in the middle of the park. Came to Santa Clara as a well travelled player at youth level, having also played in Germany as a youngster and did well early on for the Broncos but needed to wait until her third year here to really flourish. Turned into one of the regions best midfielders as a junior, and also ended up being an unexpected offensive catalyst for the Broncos, leading the team with eight goals last season. Vass seemed to gain momentum as the season went along, with five of those eight tallies coming against WCC opposition. It will be interesting to see if the cultured midfielder ends up seeing her goal total dip if the club finds a solution up front after struggles there last year, though you have to figure Vass will still be a key offensive cog, regardless. International status makes her unlikely to stick in the NWSL, but European clubs will likely come calling if Vass can continue to make forward strides as a senior for the WCC powerhouse Broncos. 76. Taylor Bucklin 8211 GK 8211 Louisville Talented but star-crossed goalkeeper has had three eventful seasons thus far in her college career. Started out as a highly touted prospect and Canadian youth international who looked to be on the fast-track to success after a strong rookie season at Michigan that included setting the program record for single-season goals against average and clean sheets. However, Bucklin was bizarrely frozen out at Michigan shortly into her sophomore season and ended up transferring to Louisville before the 2015 campaign after a largely miserable 2014 season confined to the bench. Bucklin would be first choice early on at her new home but wouldnt really make the job here until the end of September, taking charge and being a big part of why the Cardinals shocked North Carolina and drew with Duke, with Bucklin making eighteen saves that weekend and keeping things fairly respectable against other powerhouses in the ACC like Virginia. Bucklins still a little erratic in goal and can be inconsistent to her detriment, but when on her game, the Greenwich native is a real difference maker in goal. Shell likely have the starting job to herself this season, and proving she can excel consistently in goal this year could be key to working her way higher up the board. 77. Jacqueline Altschuld 8211 MFD 8211 San Diego Consistently a standout for a San Diego program thats been a bit erratic in form during her three years with the club thus far. The versatile Altschuld has shown herself to be capable in both midfield and on the backline, where she made a big impact as a rookie, helping buttress the Toreros defense as one of the leagues most promising young defenders. Since, Altschulds been a bit more involved on the other side of the ball, with her offensive efforts helping San Diego into the NCAA Tournament as a sophomore, as she netted five times and made her mark as one of the WCCs best players. However, Altschulds stock probably slipped along with the Toreros last season, as USD struggled mightily in the WCC en route to a five win season. Altschuld actually led the team in shots and in assists with seven in the latter category, but that may speak more to USDs general lack of attacking weapons more than anything else. Her past performance will likely keep Altschuld in the draft discussion regardless, but a rebound season for San Diego would probably help her cause greatly, even if her track record indicates another likely strong season for the Toreros. 78. Abby Jones 8211 MF 8211 Clemson A rather unsung hero in Clemsons rise from infamy to impressive contender in the ACC, Jones had been a rather anonymous but important figure for the Tigers up until a breakout season in the middle of the park last season. A modestly touted prospect coming out of high school, Jones nonetheless became a key part of Clemsons rebuilding process, starting twenty-five matches in her first two seasons with the club, though she barely made a dent in the stat sheet. 2015 would be Jones breakout season for Clemson though, making herself an unshakeable member of the starting lineup with her strong play and getting more involved with the offense with three goals and four assists to her name. For a light scoring Clemson side, those goals and assists were much appreciated, though the fact that Jones needed thirty-seven shots to get those three goals was perhaps a bit concerning. Though it remains to be seen if Jones has staying power in terms of being one of the ACCs notable midfielders, her junior season should at least keep her on the radar, while theres plenty of room to move up considering Clemson has the makings of a College Cup contender this year. 79. Addie Forbus 8211 F (CF) 8211 Ole Miss CeCe Kizers second banana in Oxford has rounded into a forward of great repute herself after a breakout junior season in 2015. A phenom at high school level, Forbus first made her name at DI level as a super sub for Ole Miss, netting four goals and six assists as a rookie despite not starting a game for the club as a freshman. Forbus goal total has ballooned upwards ever since, increasing in successive seasons, culminating with last years eleven goal, seven assist effort for the free scoring Rebels. Forbus efficiency numbers are a bit underwhelming, the Rebel forward needing 6.27 shots per goal, while putting just 49.3 of her shots on frame also puts her on the lower end of the spectrum for this class. But Forbus was also just one of nine junior who scored more than ten non-penalty goals to have five of their goals come against RPI Top 50 teams, showing she can do the business against stiff opposition. Its always likely that Forbus will be overshadowed by Kizer again this year, which could limit her draft stock, but she has the look of a prospect that could surprise out of camp if she gets a fair shot. 80. Hannah Seabert 8211 GK 8211 Pepperdine Part of a new wave of talent that has helped Pepperdine become a factor in the WCC again after many years of mediocrity. Seabert was a bit of a surprise in excelling coming out of high school, as she was far from the most highly touted keeper in this class entering college but has proven to be quite the find for Tim Ward and co. The Riverside native was an immediate factor in Malibu though, starting as a rookie in every match and being kept very busy by a sometimes porous backline. It wouldnt be until 2014 that Seabert really began to show her potential though, as the Waves netminder grew into one of the regions best keepers despite struggling with injury a bit later in the season. Stock probably dipped a bit after Pepperdines dismal 2015 season, but that likely had more to do with a misfiring offense than Seaberts play. Not the smoothest keeper mechanically, so needs good coaching at the next level, but still has potential. This is a very competitive class of keepers though, so Seabert might need a big season and a postseason stage to shine on to move up the hierarchy before the draft in January. 81. Tarah Hobbs 8211 GK 8211 Minnesota An A-level shot stopper, Hobbs is a keeper who burst onto the college landscape with an electrifying rookie season in 2013 but who, perhaps, has not developed as once expected after that superlative first season with the Golden Gophers. Hobbs was kept busy as a rookie for Minnesota, making one hundred twenty-two saves and winning league Goalkeeper of the Year honors as a freshman, which understandably got her a look at youth international level for the U. S. ahead of the U20 World Cup in 2014. While Hobbs would not make the final roster for the U. S. for that competition, she has since been the keeper of choice for Minnesota as theyve grinded results out in the Big Ten. Thankfully, Hobbs workload has dropped since then as her defense has gotten better, but the Minnesota keeper hasnt quite matched that freshman season. Hobbs is probably one of this goalkeeper class best athletes, but she tends to be a bit erratic with the finer points in goal at times. None of which cant be helped with good coaching at the next level though, and Hobbs probably fits the profile of a keeper that at least gets a look somewhere in somebodys camp next preseason. 82. Hannah Leinert 8211 F (LF, RF) 8211 Purdue Controversially followed Purdue head coach Drew Roff from Illinois State to Purdue after the 2014 season, though its looked to have worked out well for both the Boilermakers and Lenient after a solid first season with the club. Before leaving ISU, Leinert had looked like a player to watch, lighting up the MVC in her two seasons with the Redbirds, netting twenty-seven goals and thirteen assists with the mid-major powerhouse in Drew Roffs offense friendly side. Of course, the big question following her transfer was whether Leinert could effectively make the step up in class and transfer some of that scoring ability to a downtrodden Purdue program. While Leinert understandably didnt meet her previous pace, seven goals and five assists on decent efficiency numbers wasnt a bad return. All those points didnt come solely against non-conference opposition either, so Leinert should have a chance to hit double figures again in 2016. If she does so, Purdue could surge up the standings, and Leinert could get in the conversation for the later rounds of this draft. 83. Courtney Dike 8211 F (CF) 8211 Oklahoma State Mercurial forward had a breakout rookie campaign in Stillwater but has cooled significantly since. In that rookie season, Dike netted thirteen goals as she burned up the competition, looking like one of the best young forwards at DI level. That performance also likely got Dike on the radar of the Nigerian international setup, and she made her debut at youth international level for Nigerias thrilling U20 side at the 2014 U20 World Cup. Dike would be stymied upon her return to OSU though, netting just three goals in a disappointing sophomore season, making 2015 a crucial year for Dikes stock. Dike looked to have turned things around early on as a junior, netting three goals and three assists in the Cowgirls first seven matches, including a goal and an assist against Florida. But Dikes season declined from that point, as she failed to score in Big XII play, finishing with no goals and just one assist in the league. While Dike remains on the radar for Nigeria at international level having gone to the Womens World Cup last year, shell need a big senior season to get back into the draft discussion in a packed class. 84. Valerie Sanderson 8211 F 8211 Memphis Sandersons career might well be an allegory for the Memphis program as a whole over the past three seasons. The Canadian was an instant phenomenon as a rookie in 2013, scoring seventeen goals for the free scoring Tigers on some astonishing efficiency numbers. Its been a downhill dirge for player and club since though, and Sanderson almost fell off the radar completely as a junior, netting just six times on fifty-two shots a season after seeing her goal total drop to thirteen. Sanderson also scored just twice in league play as a junior, though one of those goals came against league contender South Florida in a vital 2-2 draw. But considering the Memphis defense was a sieve for much of the league season, Sandersons decline in front of goal was bad news for the Tigers hopes. While Marie Levasseur has turned into the Tigers leading offensive light, Sanderson will have to improve drastically as a senior to not go the way of many other Canadian scorers who have led a nomadic pro life after once promising college careers, including a fellow Memphis product, Christabel Oduro. 85. Emily Gingrich 8211 MF 8211 Saint Joseph8217s A notable shining star on a program thats struggled to make much headway in the Atlantic 10 as of late, Gingrich has been the spark behind the Hawks efforts for three seasons. While Gingrich was pretty good here from the outset, winning league Rookie of The Year honors after a seven goal debut campaign, it wasnt until 2014 that the Pennsylvanian really began to tear things up. Gingrich managed to double her goal total, netting fourteen times to set a new single-season mark for her club while making sure seven of those strikes were match winners. Gingrich wouldnt relent much as a junior, scoring eleven more times and finally upping her assist total to nine, making her one of the A10s most dynamic offensive threats in 2015. At 7-3-0 in the league last year, theres also some evidence that all of that offense may finally be being put to good use. SJUs non-conference slate has been timid as of late, so therere still questions over Gingrichs ability at the top level, but she could still be an interesting developmental prospect for someone in the later rounds or as a camp invitee. 86. Jermaine Seoposenwe 8211 F 8211 Samford South African international has been crucial to her nations rise up the world hierarchy and will again get a global stage to flaunt her talents at the Rio Olympics this August. Few could have predicted that Seoposenwe would have taken to DI footy so easily once she arrived on these shores before the 2014 season, but the Cape Town native dazzled as a sophomore, finishing with nine goals and thirteen assists as a part of Samfords high powered attack, forming a brutally effective duo with Malcanisha Kelley. Year two for the South African was a slightly more mixed bag, as she managed just a single goal, that coming in one of the best individual performances of the season in DI, when she also had four assists in a 5-1 mauling of Memphis. Seoposenwe would finish with eleven assists, but the decline in goals might be a bit worrying. Also worrying is how sides like Auburn and Duke were able to bottle the South African up for the most part in those meetings. Seoposenwe will have a chance to build her reputation at the Olympics though, and while an NWSL roster spot looks a longshot, its difficult envisioning her not finding a professional home somewhere as she continues to lead the next generation of South African players. 87. Mackenzie Dowd 8211 D (RB) 8211 Northeastern Northeastern has been a machine in producing strong defenders over the past half-decade, and Dowds another candidate to challenge for a roster spot in the NWSL after a strong start to her collegiate career in Brookline. After a modest but promising rookie season for the Huskies, Dowd has become a two-way threat at right-back for the CAA side, helping lock down many a league opponent for one of the conferences traditionally stingy defenses while threatening to score at the other end of the pitch. Dowds probably one of the most adept full-backs in the nation in front of goal, having scored seven goals as a sophomore and then adding six last year for Northeastern, though she only recorded her first few assists last year for the club. An adept penalty taker and more dangerous on set pieces than youd expect, Dowd will probably be more coveted for her defensive abilities after winning All-Region second team honors for Northeastern last season. Full-backs are always coveted by pro clubs, so another big season for the Huskies would go a long way in ensuring Dowd gets a shot at the next level in 2017. 88. Holly Van Noord 8211 GK 8211 Liberty Flames have been cranking out a few NWSL prospects for a couple of years now during a golden period for the program, and Van Noord might be the first Liberty player with a legitimate chance of breaking through to the top level. After redshirting as a true freshman, Van Noord took over the gloves full-time for Liberty in 2013 and hasnt looked back since. After a strong rookie season in between the posts, Van Noord flourished as a sophomore, winning league Defensive Player of the Year honors after anchoring the Big Souths best defense. Van Noord couldnt quite match that pace last season, but she was still one of the regions better goalkeepers and was a big factor in Liberty winning their last six before the NCAA Tournament to clinch their spot in the Big Dance. Unlike many keepers from mid-majors, Van Noord has ideal size at 510 and will have four years of starting experience after 2016. The Flames dont normally play a non-conference slate full of big hitters, but Van Noord has shown she can get it done when they do, such as when Liberty held Tennessee to a 0-0 draw last season. This class has a lot of intriguing goalkeeping prospects, so Van Noord will need another big season to really stand out come draft day. 89. Rachel Holden 8211 F 8211 North Texas Mean Green forward will be hoping that her senior season is more like her freshman and junior campaigns and not like her turgid sophomore effort. Holden has been magnificent in two of her three seasons in Denton, scoring twelve times as a rookie and last year, where she saw six of those goals go down as match winners. It makes Holdens bizarre down year in 2014 all the more shocking, as the netted just four times with one assist despite taking a boatload of shots. The return to form was much needed for both her and the Mean Green, and she netted those twelve goals in 2015 on just fifty-three shots, giving her a very nice goals per game mark. But there are still a few questions keeping Holden from rising higher on this board. For one, her disciplinary record on the pitch leaves much to be desired, as Holden picked up seven bookings last season and had four in her previous two seasons, which may scare some NWSL clubs off. Additionally, North Texas doesnt exactly push themselves in non-conference play much of the time, so theres little showing what Holden can do against the creme de la creme, and that could hurt her draft stock, even if she goes for double figures again in 2016. 90. Melanie Donaldson 8211 MF (CM) 8211 Missouri Unsung heroine playing in an unglamorous defensive midfield role for the Tigers over the course of the past three seasons. Has been ever-present as a starter in the middle of the park for Missouri in all three seasons, starting almost every match for the SEC side. Not just a defensive mauler, as shes tallied six goals and four assists over the course of the past three seasons, and the Missouri native doesnt lack for a quick trigger in the middle of the park either. Arguably had her best season in 2015 as a junior, and if that arc continues to go upward in her final year in Columbia, Donaldson could sneak onto the radar as a later round pick or as a preferred undrafted free agent for an NWSL side. Doesnt have ideal size for a defensive midfielder at the next level at just 55, though thats not a deal breaker in all likelihood. Biggest question perhaps is if Donaldson can be dynamic enough to make an impact at the professional level. 91. Nicky Waldeck 8211 F (CF, RF) 8211 Michigan The big question that needs to be answered with Waldeck is if 2014 was the true measuring stick of her ability or a wild outlier considering the two seasons that have sandwiched it. Waldeck was largely an afterthought after a rookie season which saw her confined to a super sub role, one which she did just fine for herself, scoring three goals, but also not doing much to raise hopes of a huge sophomore season. So it was quite the shock when Waldeck ended up netting twelve goals and five assists as a full-time starter for the Wolverines in 2014, turning into one of the Big Tens top forwards in her second year in Ann Arbor. But the goals stopped flowing in a major way for Waldeck last season, as she ended up taking one more shot than in 2014 but also scored just three times for the Wolverines on sixty-nine shots. While all of those goals were game winners, including one in the Big Ten Tournament quarterfinal, it was an enormous disappointment after such a big 2014 campaign. If Waldeck finds her scoring form again, shell move back up the board. If not, shell probably be confined to the lower reaches of the board after 2016. 92. Madison Tiernan 8211 F (CF), MF (AMC) 8211 Rutgers A bit of a mixed bag as a prospect, as Tiernans never really developed into a top level forward after some promising performances as a rookie for the Scarlet Knights. Tiernan was already one of the AACs top attackers as a rookie before Rutgers moved into the Big Ten, scoring six goals for the club and then repeating the feat a season later, setting up hopes for a junior season that would help her club to bigger and better things. The Scarlet Knights got there, of course, but few could probably argue that Tiernan had a big hand in it after slumping to a mystifying two goals on a whopping sixty-three shots. Granted, one of those goals was the game winner in the Sweet Sixteen against UConn, but on the whole, Tiernan didnt meet expectations as a junior. Shell probably get a look, as inevitably all Rutgers players do with Sky Blue FC in close proximity, but a big rebound season as a senior may be necessary for Tiernan to move back up the board. 93. Paige Hunt 8211 D (LB, CB) 8211 BYU Its certainly not a coincidence that two of BYUs four losses in 2015 were in matches that Hunt missed, as she missed three games in the second half of October that coincided with with the Cougars mini-slump. Once back in the lineup, BYU finished strong, a testament to how important Hunt is to the Cougar effort. Playing at center-back early on in her career, Hunt looked like one of the regions best defenders as a sophomore, improving upon a promising rookie season. However, Hunt left for a mission afterward and missed the 2014 season and was moved out on the flank upon her return for 2015. Hunt would be a strong veteran presence back in the lineup for the Cougars on the backline, but she also didnt really hit the heights she had before in the first two seasons of her collegiate career. BYUs loaded for 2016 though, and if Hunt can help lead her team to another WCC title and a deep run in the NCAA Tournament, she could be one of this class top movers come January. 94. Rachel Hoekstra 8211 F 8211 Fairleigh Dickinson Canadian has been a major reason that Fairleigh Dickinson is no longer a punchline in the NEC. Hoekstra turned heads first in 2012 after winning NEC Rookie of the Year honors following a nine goal campaign, but shed have to wait a while for an encore after being forced to redshirt through injury in 2013. Said injury certainly hasnt affected Hoekstras production since her return, as shes scored a combined twenty-eight goals in the last two seasons to fire FDU up the table and to the NCAA Tournament last season. Sixteen goals as a junior was a big haul for the Canadian, and that included six winners for the Knights in their dream season. Hoekstras efficiency numbers are quite good, but she also didnt find her scoring form until the second half of the season, scoring in just two of the clubs ten matches and struggled to trouble the best teams on FDUs schedule. Unless Hoekstra can show she can get it done against top opposition, a roster spot in the NWSL will likely be hard to come upon. 95. Jenna Hellstrom 8211 F (CF) 8211 Kent State Canadian hadnt really made a dent on the national radar coming into Kent State, having only been with the youth international team up to U15 level but has promptly turned into one of the nations most dangerous mid-major forwards over the past three seasons with the Golden Flashes. Hellstrom didnt strike it big as a rookie but still showed enough to win MAC Freshman of the Year honors and promptly backed the honor up the next season with seven goals and six assists for KSU as their leading scoring option. That would be just the prologue to a true breakout season as a junior, where Hellstrom hit double figures in goals and assists, scoring eleven times and assisting on twelve more goals to make the Canadian one of the most important players to a team in Division I. Hellstrom scored against both Louisville and Butler to show shes no flat-track bully either, and it will be interesting to see if she can maintain the same scoring pace as a senior. Canadian nationality will make it almost impossible to stick in the NWSL, but Hellstrom could still find a nice home for her talents in Europe. 96. Greta Espinoza 8211 D (CB) 8211 Oregon State Well-traveled defender has experienced a whirlwind few seasons at both club and international level. Espinoza has been a fixture at youth international level for Mexico and even started against France at center-back at this past Summers Womens World Cup. That international experience makes it almost a lock that Espinoza will be a big part of the future for El Tri after their recent downturn, and ensuring shes still in the mix may come down to continuing to excel at college level in the short-term. Thats not been a problem thus far for Espinoza, who took the circuitous route to DI, first playing with Arizona Western College at JUCO level before signing for Oregon State before the 2015 season. It was a gamble considering OSU was a program that had flatlined a season earlier, but Espinoza immediately helped shore up the backline and was one of the clubs best players in a mild rebound season in Corvallis. Not the biggest central defender, Espinozas still shown a lot at international and club level and can boost her stock further if she guides OSU up the Pac-12 table this season as a senior. 97. Lorina White 8211 D (CB) 8211 Ball State White is one of the very rare examples of a junior college star whose stock has kept rising after making the transition to Division I. 2014s JUCO Player of the Year at powerhouse Monroe College, few likely knew what to expect White once she stepped up to this level with Ball State. They neednt have worried, as White made an immediate impact, helping to turn BSUs defense into one of the regions best and leading the Cardinals to a MAC title. White picked up some more individual hardware after last season, being named as the MAC Defensive Player of the Year, the first ever major individual honor for a Cardinal player. The stellar junior campaign shows that White hasnt peaked yet and that she wont wilt against DI opposition, which gives her a glimmer of hope in catching on at the next level. Keeping BSU going this year will be key to getting noticed though, an especially important point considering Whites not the biggest central defender size-wise. 98. Ali Schaffer 8211 D (CB) 8211 San Francisco If youre going to transform your program from historical underachiever to overnight sensation, youre probably going to need a few breakout seasons, and Schaffer was a big part of San Francisco getting to the brink of claiming a shock WCC title last season. It isnt as if Schaffer was a complete unknown going into last season, she had started almost every game for the Dons in her first two seasons at USF, but she had largely toiled in obscurity along with her club. But Schaffer exploded onto the scene last season, winning WCC Co-Defender of the Year honors (oddly, despite only making All-WCC Second Team) after helping anchor her clubs defensive effort in 2015. That honor already puts her in rarefied air for this program, and itll be interesting to see if she can keep it up without star keeper Madalyn Schiffel acting as the last line of defense. Schaffer doesnt provide anything on offense and is undersized (55) for a center-back at the next level, so shes still a longshot but with better odds than at this time last year. 99. Amanda Perez 8211 MF (CM) 8211 Washington Younger sister of former Husky great and fellow Mexican WNTer Veronica Perez has been trying to carve her own path to success for the past three seasons. The younger Perez is likely seen as a potential key cog to Mexicos rebuilding process at international level, and while Amanda didnt feature on the pitch at the 2015 Womens World Cup, she was still a squad player, and the experience gained was reflected on the pitch in Seattle as Perez returned to the collegiate game. After a spotty rookie season, Perez has become an unshakable part of the Huskys first XI and showed her true potential in scoring both goals against Louisville in a pivotal early season matchup as a junior. Good in tight spaces against opposition marking but not particularly prolific in front of goal. Should find a pro home somewhere but needs a big season to make it in the NWSL. 100. Abby Reed 8211 F (RF) 8211 DePaul Its been a roller coaster ride for Reed, who began her college career as a star with Indiana State in the rather demure Missouri Valley Conference, always looking like the proverbial big fish in the small pond. A transfer to DePaul appeared to answer many questions about Reeds true quality, as she had a fantastic first season for the Blue Demons as they had a year to remember. But DePaul leaned more on Elise Wyatt for goals last season, and the club and Reed so their fortunes sink a bit in 2015. After twenty-two combined goals in her first two collegiate seasons, Reed sank to just five goals last year despite taking a similar number of shots as she had the prior two years, with most of those goals coming against the bottom of the barrel in terms of DePauls opponents. With Wyatt graduated, Reed could bounce back up this list if she can shoulder the scoring burden in 2016. Post navigation 2 thoughts on ldquo Chris 2017 NWSL Draft Big Board Top 100 Buchanan Tops Loaded Class rdquo Mandy Freeman played holding mid at USC last year. Randle and Prisock played center back. Freeman8217s versatility could help her go higher


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